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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. It's not dropped from the list, it's hidden. New feature hides inactive apartments. You can turn this feature on/off at the top of the apartment listings, to the right of where it says couples.
  2. 23:30 in her bedroom. Didn't seem like phone sex though. She was wasted, she started masturbating for a short time, and then stopped and phoned someone. She touched her pussy a couple of times at the start of the conversation but it didn't look or sound like phone sex to me. Just seemed like a normal phone conversation.
  3. A new feature has been added, apartments with no recent activity are hidden from the apartment list, and they become unhidden the next time there's activity. If you look to the right of Leora and Paul on the apartment list, there's an option to toggle it on and off. Linda and Tibor are still there.
  4. They didn't fuck in the bathroom. All they did was talk, you could hear them while they were in there.
  5. I don't think Nora is here at the request of RLC. It looks like a social visit to see her friend Karol, just like her last visit. Asti and Roxy said hi to her when she entered the apartment but they are not friends with her like Karol is, so there's no reason for them or Diane to come and greet her.
  6. She brushed her hair with it. You can see her hair is noticeably straighter when she returned - it was quite messy when she left. There's a restroom without a camera opposite the living room doors. You can see it from cameras 1-1, 1-2, and 1-4 when the doors are open. It's the other side of the brown unit on camera 1-7.
  7. Farewell Regina, Sher, and Renata. Three beautiful women that lit up the Barcelona apartments and gave us great entertainment. Have a safe trip home and all the best. We'll miss you.
  8. Renata had plans to see her boyfriend this evening - she spoke of it in a phone conversation that she had yesterday.
  9. The guests were in there for four minutes and you could clearly hear them talking the whole time they were in there. I don't know why you're getting upset that you missed seeing a four minute conversation that you could still hear. And I don't think this room affects how much sex you see in this apartment. Guests that don't want to have sex on camera, won't have sex on camera, whether this room is there or not, they'll either stay the night and not have sex (like the couple tonight), or they'll leave and go somewhere else. I don't see how this room changes anything.
  10. Thumbnails for most of the B2 cameras are stuck - they haven't refreshed for several hours, and the motion detector isn't working for these cameras either. I think thumbnails and motion detectors for cameras 6, 11, 13, and 14 are the only ones that are working. And stream for camera 1 isn't loading.
  11. It's possible they had an agreement where he wouldn't have full sex with Renata but they could still have some fun in other ways such as handjobs etc, and Renata and Victoria could have fun with each other as well. Even among regular swinging couples they have different limits as to what is permitted. Some enjoy a full swap, some only allow handjobs and oral between the two couples, and some only allow interaction between the two females.
  12. Yes, it would seem that the guy was with Victoria. When they phoned him to come to the apartment, even though it was Renata that spoke to him, it was Victoria's phone she used. It was Victoria he gave the most attention to, and it was why Victoria was upset when she saw them having sex and why he left with Victoria at the end of the night.
  13. Victoria was definitely upset when she saw them having sex. The way she reacted when she saw them, the fact that they stopped and went to see if she was ok, and even the conversation out on the balcony, even though you could barely hear it, you could hear enough words that seemed to confirm she was upset and what she was upset about. They talked and they worked things out. And given how drunk they both were you have to wonder how much they remember.
  14. They called the guy and arranged for him to come when they were in the bathroom, it was just before they kissed. When Renata spoke on the phone with him in Victoria's bedroom he'd called them to say he'd just arrived, this was nearly half an hour later. And yes, when in the bathroom they must have told them what they had planned for him and he brought some things. But I don't believe anything was planned before this.
  15. It was a short conversation. Kamila told him she's feeling a bit better but still not good. He told her about a game he's been playing, or maybe he's just bought a new game, she asked if it's for Playstation. There was talk of chocolate, Kinder and Lindor - she told him that Lindor is the best. At the end, Kamila said that she can tell him something when she goes to the airport, and if he gets to choose his seat, can he coose to sit with her, near the window. From previous conversations a few weeks ago - they plan to go away for Kamila's birthday, maybe until 12th or 13th November. He's taking her somewhere but she didn't know where because she wanted it to be a surprise and she will only find out when she gets to the airport. But she needed to know what kind of temperatures to expect so she knows what clothes and shoes to pack.
  16. She's not feeling well. She took her temperature a little earlier and keeps feeling her head as though she feels hot.
  17. It looked like an air freshener she plugged in. She was looking around the room for a socket for it.
  18. Regina - series of voice messages in English from 16th October. English is not my native language and I start speaking English just like 3 months ago when we came here because in Ukraine people don't speak English, just Russian and I don't have a practice. I studied it but I never speak it. I think that's very funny place and it must be a very good trip but I've never been there - it's very beautiful and I like car, it's like retro car, it's very beautiful. Oh my god. (Starts singing Michael Jackson's "bad") I like Michael Jackson, oh my god, it's very cool. If you can look at my face I'm like a baby. Cool. And if you come to Ukraine maybe I show you one place that I like, it's like a gallery and another place it's like art platform, it's like, I don't know, It's amazing art. You must see it. Regina - parts of a phone conversation in English from 18th October. For today, I think maybe I can't go to the gym because about 12 o'clock I have a photo shoot near the city... yeah and I'll be there all day... yeah but it's very beautiful place, it's not in the city, it's near the city and I must have photo shoot with my friend... and we be there all day. (she tells him that she has put his time zone (Mexico) in the world clock function on her phone and she checks to see what time it is there, so she can call him when he's not at work) ... but I think you can start some words, not the whole language because it's really difficult (she teaches him some Russian words)... I know some words in Spanish of course because I live here... I understand. For my country it too is very difficult because it's another world because when I tell you "I live with my friend", you think "your friend is boy or girl?", but I say "I live with my girlfriend", and people say "oh my god she's lesbian or what". I don't know now but I think yes... my plan, maybe. I don't know now because now I speak with you but I don't know you 2 weeks ago. I don't know you and I had another plan but I think if I stay in this place 1 month, after I want to go to Moscow because I have girlfriend in Moscow that I want to see, and after, going to Ukraine... but my Visa not off... and I can be in Europe like more time, maybe another two months...
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