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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. There's never been nightvision in that bathroom, but you don't necessarily realise it because they rarely turn the light off. I think the camera does have nightvison, but there's no infrared light in the room for it to work.
  2. Shhh, don't tell SierraTM, that'll be another one he starts whining and moaning about 😅 and I don't think she's lazy, from what I've seen she seems to use her phone a lot to study, often writing notes in her notebook.
  3. Kelly and Serafima appeared to get along well, with the four of them going out to the clubs together several times. There seemed to be fairly good atmosphere in the apartment during the short time that Serafima stayed on as Ginger’s guest. I don’t think they were good friends, but they didn’t have bad realations. Mila and Serafima appeared to be pretty good friends and they spent a lot of time together, much to the dissatisfaction of many in the forum, who would much rather see Mila stay in B4 and do some lesbian shows with Elvira. There was a time when Mila wanted them to visit Jenn and Frank for some shows and Serafima didn’t want to and tried to convince Mila not to. Mila did some shows with them anyway and this did cause a little friction for a while, but overall they were friends. I never accused you of having an agenda. If you read your comment that I quoted, you accused bluewinner of having an agenda simply because he had a different opinion to you. Any mention of agenda that I made was in reference to that. And I don’t have a problem with people stating that they don’t like something, but the problem I have with you is that instead of just saying you don’t like something, you present your dislikes on behalf of the entire RLC viewership, assuming that everybody feels the same as you and completely ignoring the fact that different people are entertained by different things. Several people seemed to be happy to see Serafima return, so she must have entertained them in some way. And just because someone enjoys something different to you, it doesn't mean they have an agenda or work for RLC. What you also don’t seem to understand, is that many of the forum members have been around RLC for a long time, some of them for 7 or 8 years, and RLC was very different back then. There was zero masturbation shows, zero lesbian shows, and sex, and even nudity, was extremely rare. And people still subscribed. And many of those members still enjoy watching non sexual activities of everyday life and they pay the same subscription as you.
  4. Viola is a long time friend of Kylie and Rus and was a guest at their wedding. Viola joining them on RLC is no different to Malia joining Leora. And yet somehow you consider Viola joining her friends and performing sex shows as "staged shows", but Malia joining her friend for sex shows is real life between real friends with real feelings.
  5. Instead of having an agenda, maybe he just has different tastes to you. Not everybody likes or dislikes the same things as you. I don't know why this is so difficult for you to understand. And from reading the comments when Serafima arrived, there were several people in the forum that was happy to see her return. And Serafima got along well with, and even became friends with, many of the other tenants that was in RLC at that time. As well as Ginger, there was also Angelina, Kelly, Maluma, Erin, Mila, Oksi, Amina, and Dalia. She also got along very well with Ginger's friend that visited.
  6. No need to apologise, Harry. I'm probably not the only one here that enjoys mass debating.
  7. Given your hatred of the tenants, it's not surprising that you think this way.
  8. RLC has nothing to do with it. The moderators introduced the rules to give some protection to the tenants. There have been numerous incidents over the years, not just with RLC, but with the other sites as well One such incident was three and a half years ago. There were two tenants on VHTV named Sveta and Vlad. Back then, VHTV was just regular couples, before the swingers and all the cam show performers. I've never subscribed to VHTV, but from what I read in the comments, they were a very popular couple. Both 19, I think. Somebody posted Sveta and Vlad's social media accounts in the forum. They were removed by moderators, but not before they were seen by many. Within a few weeks they left the project because they and their family were being abused and threatened on their social media accounts. There have been several other incidents involving abuse, threats or blackmail of the tenants of various sites. You can see from the comments how unstable some people are. How angry they get that the tenants aren't performing the shows that they want to see, or because they've brought a guy back to the apartment, or because they think the Girls on Vacation are imitating their beloved Leora. It's best to keep social media accounts and personal/location information away from these people. And even those that seem normal, you don't know who they really are or their real intentions.
  9. You can't have that many things better to do with your time because, even if you're not watching, you're still reading and posting comments here.
  10. The three dots at the top right of the post gives you the option to edit.
  11. A new account for traduction911.
  12. They don't know how many views they get, RLC doesn't give them this information. They look at their position on the Replay thumbnails.
  13. Each apartment will still have it's own forum. It's only the General Chat topics within each forum that will close and you'll then have to create different topic pages for each topic of discussion. This is how it was for the first few years of Camcaps, before they introduced the General Chat topics. The link below takes you to the Leora and Paul forum before the General Chat topics were introduced. You can see the different topics that were created and what sort of things were posted in them. https://camcaps.net/forums/forum/25-leora-paul-062813-061919/?page=24
  14. Your comment said that Taylor must be bisexual because she's watching boy/girl sex, suggesting that because she's masturbating to something with a guy/guys in it, then she must be sexually attracted to men. And I was saying that it's not necesarily the case because heterosexual men masturbate to boy/girl porn, but are not sexually attracted to men.
  15. I masturbate to "straight" porn, but I'm not bisexual. And if a heterosexual man can masturbate to boy/girl porn, why can't a lesbian? We have the same interests.
  16. If you're not logged into an RLC account, you can watch the free cameras without Flash Player. It's been like this for quite some time. A few weeks ago, RLC removed the need for Flash Player for members as well. After the change, many users posted in the forum that they were having problems with the streams and they emailed RLC to ask them to revert back to Flash Player until the problems were resolved. Two days later, they changed it back so that Flash Player was needed, presumably while they straighten out whatever issues they were having.
  17. It's illegal in Ukraine. VHTV had several apartments there and at least one of those apartments was raided by police. All Ukrainian apartments were quickly taken offline. As far as I know, those apartments never came back online and they haven't attempted to open any more there since. I think it's also illegal in Russia, which is one possible reason as to why RLC closed their Russian apartments.
  18. If she was still being paid by RLC, her name would still be on the apartment list and RLC wouldn't have communicated that she'd left the project.
  19. Then I don't understand why you don't see it. For me, there's a thumbnail on the 2nd and 4th row of thumbnails.
  20. The thumbnails that show when you first open Replay are for the past 24 hours. The events of yesterday occurred over 24 hours ago. Click the arrow at the top of the thumbnails and the thumbnails will change to show the highlights for previous days.
  21. He's already created one. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/17056-b4-girls-on-vacation-general-topic-2020-26-august/
  22. He asked a straight question and you gave a straight answer. There was nothing humorous about it. I'll laugh when you post something funny.
  23. Many of the Girls on Vacation are real life friends and have been for a long time. I could list at least 10 - 15 different groups of friends that have been friends for several years, and some of them have been friends for a lot longer than the 10 years Leora and Malia have been friends. Some of them went to school together. It doesn't make what they do any less of a show, and Leora and Malia's friendship doesn't make them any different to the tenants in the Girl on Vacation apartments.
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