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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. If Helen does leave in August, 2 months would take her to 28th August, so hopefully she leaves then and not at the beginning of the month. As for her boyfriend visiting, as ed2 says, he might be having trouble getting time off work, although his boss sounded very nice and encouraging about him visiting. It might be that, even though he's keen to see her, he might not be so keen to be in front of the cameras.
  2. Phone conversation between Helen and the man she regularly talks to (i'm assuming he's her boyfriend) from yesterday (Wednesday). I missed the start of the conversation. Helen is talking about her plans for tomorrow night (Thursday), she says they will probably go out and party. Friday is one of the girls birthday (Polya, i think) and on Friday they will probably have a meal at home (B1) and after that go out and party again. She hasn't been to any parties since last Tuesday and feels very good because of this and feels that she has performed better when training as well. She tells him that she went running today (Wednesday) at 07.30 and that she woke up at 04.30 with a headache. The night before they took Sangria to their friends apartment (B2), which they made themselves using cheap wine, this is why she woke with a headache and she couldn't fall asleep again. Helen tells him that she got up and did different things, like cooking and finally at 07.30 she went running because she couldn't sleep, she ran for 2 hours, it was raining a little but by 09.30 the sun was out and it was already too warm. When she was out shopping today (Wednesday), a cosmetics shop gave her a promotion of free face mask and peel. She will go back Friday and use this. Helen asks her friend when will he visit, he says 'soon', she says that he's been saying soon for 3 weeks now, it's not soon. Her friend says he has a boss, he can ask him. The man is at work and at this moment his boss makes an appearance on the video call. Helen says 'hello' and asks the boss when will he let her friend come. The boss jokes that the friend could come tonight but he won't get paid for tonight and asks Helen when she wants her friend to come. Helen says 'today', the boss repeats the joke and asks why she can't come there. Helen replies that she cannot. The boss asks 'you're working?', Helen replies 'yes', the boss asks 'when can you come', Helen says 'August' but doesn't know the exact date. The friend then says that she'll have to wait until August, Helens says 'no, you can come first to me for a weekend and after i will come to you'. We hear the boss shout 'great idea' and Helen says 'I also think so, tell him please'. The boss says ' i cannot tell him, he's a big boy'. The friend repeats that they'll have to wait until August, Helen tells him 'I hope you come first, at least for a weekend, please', the friend says that he will try. They say 'goodnight' and hang up.
  3. Nicole's first time was, in my opinion, exceptional and set a high standard to follow. To criticise her, because her second time isn't as good, seems a little unfair, especially when you consider the problems that she's had this time with the seizures and illness. Even though she hasn't hit the heights of her first visit, she is still very interesting and watchable, much more so than a lot of the girls that have stayed in Barcelona this year. Also, I don't think you can call somebody camera shy when they are doing naked yoga and laying naked on their bed with their legs spread open. As for the masturbating, I don't think she turns away from the camera to hide, I think she moves herself into whichever position will help her to orgasm. I also doubt that Lola's presence has any influence on how Nicole masturbates, especially when Lola's asleep and to the far side of the apartment.
  4. 04.47 Nicole, unable to get to sleep, goes to the kitchen and makes herself a smoothie. 05.03 Moves to the sofa in the living room. To sleep.
  5. She's certainly no Adele (the singer, not the former Barcelona tenant) but i quite enjoy Helen's singing.
  6. This is my first time seeing Lola in RLC and i was expecting good things from her based on all the excitement and good comments about her. Madam Lola, how she was a great leader, going to bring the good times back to B1, how she was going to whip the other girls into shape. Some even compared her to Nora as a great leader, which is a huge insult to Nora based on what i've seen of them both this year. I've found her very disappointing.
  7. I don't think there's anything going on between them. Other than the threesome i've not seen anything else romantic or sexual between them. There's plenty of times they're alone together, when Kira's asleep in bed or out of the apartment and if there was anything going on i think we would have seen more evidence of this, especially when they've been drinking. They don't even undress in front of each other, they seem shy about it, except for the threesome. Kira and The Guest also seem to get along well often laughing and joking together, which wouldn't happen if anything was going on given Kira's insecurities and jealousy. As for her name, before the name Doe Eyes was used, i saw a couple of comments refer to her as Sofa Girl. I quite liked this name.
  8. Probably worried about being harassed and abused by the trolls back home that turn innocent things into accusations of porn, prostitution and drug taking, like some of the people do on here.
  9. Helen seems to be coming along quite nicely. Good to see her getting along well with Polya and Gina as well.
  10. I know it's a few weeks late but if anyone is interested and while things are slow, the rest of the conversation went like this. After Rose used the guys phone to ring hers, he asked her if she had her contacts backed up. Rose says she has a laptop which links to her phone (probably linked via icloud) and that she knows that her photos are backed up but not if her contacts are. Rose then asked the guy if he knows Gina and reveals that Gina was also robbed that night. Some Moroccans went over to Gina and, after they left, some money and a present were gone. Luckily though Gina forgot to take her phone out that night or this might have been taken as well. They then talk about the bag that Rose took out with her. Rose tells him one of the other girls (Belle) took it back to her apartment (this is why we saw Rose phone Belle that morning to ask her to look in the bag for her phone). The guy then asked Rose if this (B1) is her apartment, Rose said no. The guy asked where is Rose's apartment, Rose's answer is vague. The guy then rolled over onto his stomach and asked Rose to give him a massage. Rose laughed and said no and then returned to Polya's room.
  11. No problem. I also have a recording of this conversation, they talk in English, English is my only language and I understand them perfectly.
  12. This is completely wrong. Rose told the guy she had lost her phone in the club the night before and asked him if she could report it to the police. The guy advised her that if she went to the police she needs to say it was stolen and not lost, otherwise they won't do anything. Rose says she's sure that it was stolen. The guy then asked her if she's ok for money, Rose replied she doesn't need money she needs her phone as it's got all her numbers on it. The guy then asked if she'd tried ringing her phone, Rose said yes and that she had tried the find my phone program as well. The guy then gave Rose his phone to try to ring hers again but with no success. At no point during the conversation did the guy ever offer to pay Rose for anything. If I were you I'd get some new sources, your current ones are complete bullshitters.
  13. I think that's best entertainment I've had all week from RLC and it was nice to see them laughing as well.
  14. It was behind the bath. In the end they sat in the hall and waited for it to come out. Kamila has now blocked the hole up at the side of the bath so it can't return.
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