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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Only Zoya returned from vacation, Lev still gone, then it looked like Zoya was packing. Zoya took all her clothes out, folded them, and put them away in a corner of the closet. Now Zoya sleeping away from home? Wonder what is going on there?
  2. they must've forgotten to tell her, do not speak of it infront of the cams
  3. She said: "I'm embarrassed, I drunk to much wine and after that Tequila, then after that when we smoked marihuana, after that we used.... eh....sniffed... what is is it called... coke?"
  4. Well, drug use is only a conspiracy theory, right, so guess that makes Renata a lier...
  5. Anna left, now Polya s going, then if Lola would leave soon too, I'm getting more optimistic every day now. I hope Regina and Sher get their own rooms now.
  6. I'll be happy just to se alittle masturbation, don't have to fuck 4 guys in 1 days, to me it is almost too wild
  7. Again, you know what I mean, but you have to sarcasticly mock me. Actually though, they could piss in a pot on cam, LOL! Or like Gina, just wet their bed
  8. I have fait in Vasil, maybe not tonight, but some day... she is not afraid of the cams
  9. I never understood facemasks, wigs or costumes... to me, that just outlines the fakeness of a silly show
  10. I think Tereza already has her own thing outside, but hopefully she will not drag Regina&Sher with her, like Polya do
  11. I never said they should forbid the girl to spend time outside the apartment. But I think RLC should make it clear, that intentional hiding, like bringing pillows to sit just outside the apartment, or going to a room without cam, such behaviour is not wanted. It was Lola introducing this to Vasilisa. It is also a big problem what we see with Polya (and also Lola), they are not really into the project anymore, they mentally checked out months ago, and they drag the new girls with them. They must leave before the bad influence on the new girls gets irreverseble.
  12. Europe is not USA, here you can't sue everyone for every little thing. A law says a balcony must have railing, and if it have, the landlord is not responsible if a person jumps.
  13. Where is Noldus? Anna left b2 with her suitcases 20:17:45 Good bye Anna, nice trip home, and thanks for some nice bates!
  14. Hopefully she take him on cam one time. If she hasn't already learned from Lola, that everything is to be kept outside. I really disslike when they come in to bring pillows and wine to sit just outside. It is mockery, and I think RLC should be clear on that, such behaviour is not wanted.
  15. Her BF? The one who slept on the sofa? She has brought atleast one other guy in the meantime, wich she came home with, went to the kitchen, took some wine and cusions, then went out again.
  16. Unlike for example Desiree and Leora, wich is much greater on their own than with their partner, Maya is best with a partner. Maya having sex is exiting, Maya bating is rather boring.
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