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Everything posted by ed2

  2. I have to go to sleep soon. Unfortunately. Someone please make notes when things happen. I'll have catch up later.
  3. I wonder what happened. It kind of looked like Stella and the guy got lost, and the others had to go get them. Or they forgot to take money with them or something.
  4. I loved the hairdresser at Masha's, and also the DJ's girlfriend at Gina's. I'll steal @moos54's words, and say that I can't rate them, they're all very nice.
  5. I really like these people. 🥰 Sorry Cleo, love you still, but we now have a new cute guest to crush on. 😇
  6. I like what I see from this girl so far. She isn't the center of attention 'here am I'-type. But she seems quite free and open. I think she can be alot of fun.
  7. The girl and the blond guy seem to be a couple. Atleast they're kissing and making out.
  8. Stella's guy + 3 friends are there too now. This I like!
  9. It's probably the apartment with most social life in it too. This place, along with Masha and the cats. There should definitely have been more places like these on RLC.
  10. There's two, and they're identical, but they're preoccupied in other areas it seems, so that's good.
  11. Tonight she's in the artistic and creative corner. ❤️ Improving her masterpiece from before. 🖼️ 🎨
  12. No. She should just masturbate as she feels like, and not think about camera angles. If you want that kind of behaviour, go watch the twins.
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