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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Curfew from 1 o'clock. This is obviously a show event, so it may be finished by then. I hope so! The twins will probably either stay over, or go home with Gina, is my guess. I hope that they stay in B2, but that Gina and Stella continue the party at Gina's place.
  2. The redhead is cute.
  3. Yep. I don't think about easy access, I'm just a spectator, but anyway, it takes 2 seconds to unbutton a pair of jeans, it won't be a hinder for anything. I prefer pants for this simple reason. I think the butt is the best looking part of anyone's body, and with a skirt or a dress it just hides that area. Take Stephie in her jean shorts for example, even fully clothed you can see her beautiful shapes. In a skirt or a dress you can maybe get a good glimps here and there, if you are very lucky, but you can't really admire the shapes in the same way.
  4. What? I want to hear too.
  5. I love the romantic relationship between Diana and the guy in the wheelchair. Would be nice to see Diana in her own apartment again.
  6. Fuck off yourself. Orders from from the Pope! ✝️
  7. And after they done cleaning, they can go ahead and mess it up again. That's the fun part!
  8. And I thought cameras on tripods looked amateurish and temporary.
  9. You didn't miss much. She was hardly ever there even when her name was on the apartment.
  10. BTW, Gina and Bruno are dog sitting for DJ & GF. Very calm and quiet dog they have, it's been asleep most of the time.
  11. Any girl is so much hotter in pants than in skirts, that's my opinion. 😍
  12. Your question is too hypothetical. We who pay for RLC, and have watched the dangerously boring twins since 2017, would honestly know better than to end up following them home in the first place.
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