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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I have to really agree with @groomy here. Diana was obviously in a "down period" in the weeks before her last apartment was closed. She was going through a break up with Benjamin, there was crying and arguing, Diana could disappeare for 2 days straight. But still. Even in this "down period" her apartment was one of the more active on VH. It was still guests hanging out there and having parties a couple of times a week. Maybe it wasn't great, but it was still something. You say managers wouldn't want to invest in a tenant that will be great for only a month or two. The thing is that they are already doing that, they are investing in tenants with much slimmer chances, tenants that were actually doomed to be failures from the beginning. There is just no way to look at it that makes Turbo a safer gamble than Diana.
  2. Well, I don't understand their language, but I can see that these things are happening. Stifler is having a huge negative effect on her. They are growing anti-social. Goldie is bored out of her mind. She lays on the couch all day doing nothing. There was a lot more life and sparkle in Goldie when she was staying at Scott's place. I actually hope this relationship breaks up soon, maybe she could move back to Scott, or even get her own apartment. She can be a real pleasure and a joy to follow, but all this potential is wasted here, it's just sad.
  3. Cool! 😎 Guitarman is back! 🎸 I love this guy! 😊
  4. It's called emojis. You can't see them?
  5. Isn't it the place for it? OK! Maybe you will keep your morals out of these threads then.
  6. So I should mind my own business, but it is your business to stick your nose in everyone else's lifes? Where is your logic here?
  7. Where are your morals here? "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife" (Exodus 20:17)
  8. No one cares about your fucking morals, it is a free world COMMA, and if you actually care about those morals you wouldn't be sitting at a porn forum every day.
  9. Stella and the guy having sex uncovered, but with panties on.
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