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Everything posted by ed2

  1. It was the chatbox at RLCF that named her Olive, after she did a massage with Masha, using olive oil as lotion.
  2. Well, atleast some action then. I used to love Goldie. She was a fun and spontaneus party-girl. Now she has become a boring and predictable girl, who lay on the couch and point her pussy towards the camera.
  3. I agree. It's ridiculous to punish us viewers for it.
  4. Stella has made her hair, put on make up and is now dressed up to leave again. I hope she is just going to Gina's. Because it was only yesterday she returned from being gone for 2 days. Doesn't look like it though.
  5. Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella 👉🏻Stella👈🏻 Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella
  6. She can do anything but Kegal's exercise. I love that part of her body be loose and untrained. It makes for amazing voyeuristic moments. 😁
  7. Nice exercising from Stella now. 👍🏻 With Gina's apartment nice and clean now, and Stella fit and healthy again, I'm just waiting for the next wild party to start soon. 😘
  8. Yes. 👍🏻 Hopefully when he returns. 🤞🏻
  9. My grandfather always sits with his legs in cross. He is not feminine at all. Quite the conterary, he's been a hard-working dirty hands farmer all his life.
  10. Correct. But she did seem to have showered while she was away.
  11. Just one thing. Stella had already done all these things a couple of years before Pam even first appeared on RLC. So I very much doubt she has been any influence at all on Stella.
  12. Maybe my browser then. It takes a while to submit posts.
  13. Of current GOVs, I think I like only Anna, Stella, and actually Lola. All the rest are too cautious of the camera, and they are always putting on abit of a show.
  14. This is definitely a big step in the right direction. Bringing the life back home, and on camera. Now we just have to hope that this lasts, and that this have time to develope. 👍
  15. Stella and the guy getting it on under covers in bed.
  16. WOW! She took her time, over 34 hours away. That's twice in about a week that she has disappeared for over 30 hours. But maybe it wasn't all in vein. Hopefully she cn start hanging out with this guy on camera too, from now on.
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