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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I'm hoping she left some for the hairdresser. 😈
  2. A... A... A... Ayako & Bango Second scroll through: A... A... A... A... No, they're not here. Third scroll through: A... A... A... A... Wait... Kataleya & Archi... OK, they have already disappeard, and my question is no longer relevant.
  3. That is some nice research. But exactly how is it relevant? Even if it's a United States federal law, and even if many Americans think that they rule the entire world, your laws still only apply to the 50 states of the USA though..... And B4 is located in the Kingdom of Spain.
  4. RLC is consequent, always the females first. On VH it is alot more random. StnCld aren't consequent either, on the older apartmrnts he has females first, on the newer apartments he copied VH's name. Anyway. I think the names on here should match the names on VH. It will make it easier to find what you are searching for, when you are scrolling down a long list that is not even in cronological order.
  5. @StnCld316 At CC they are called Kataleya & Archi, but they are actually named Archi & Kataleya in VH. It is confusing enough with all the names, and trying to find them on a list that always changes order can be pretty dificult sometimes. Maybe you can change it to Archi & Kataleya? It will atleast make it alittle easier, when the names match. There are more examples too. This is how they are named at VH: Otto & Lola, Ken & Barbie, Elliot & Leya, Hugo & Beverly, Timotheo & KristyKrabs, Ambar & Dane, Hector & Marla, Stifler & Goldie, Sergio & Teresa.
  6. I hope Goldie breaks out of this relationship. Both for her, and for us. This life has become quite monotoneous.
  7. That is just sad. And it has completely killed any chances of good parties happening.
  8. I'm mirroring your insane statements. Yes, whoever say these things need help.
  9. If you did it together has nothing to do with it, regardless of whatever you choose to call it. Watching is cheating!
  10. You're a naughty boy. You found it disgusting, but with no self control you kept on reading. Falling for a temptation like that. Isn't that sickening and immoral. Just filthy behaviour!
  11. The party seems to be about as lame as it can get. They are drinking Pepsi and playing flip the bottle. A few of them seem to be falling asleep on the couch.
  12. Whatever, CycleFatboy! You have your reasons!
  13. Competiton? That's just stupid. Competitions and games won't solve anything! What about finding interesting tenants instead? And try to find out what happened to the good party times? It has even left Scott's place now.
  14. It's still named Turbo, so are there new tenants or are these people just visiting?
  15. If one actually pay close attention, you can pick up their real names. Nelly and Bogdan use only their real names on screen. As does almost all of the couples and roommates. The fake RLC-names have always been mostly a GOV thing.
  16. Haven't you read the Bible? "The last shall be the first" (Matthew 20:16).
  17. You are sickening too, FatBicycleboy. But you apparently have your reasons, so we all have to be gentle with you.
  18. Yeah, that was my point. Never had much hope for Nana, but we know how great Tesla can be, and that's why it is so disappointing to see that she has become just a regular tease-show girl, like all the others.
  19. Actually, Nelly was the most exciting part of the party last night. She was drunk, and you couldn't really tell where it was going to end, so very interesting to follow. I'm more disappointed in Tesla and Nana. They seem to be doing nothing but click-baiting lately. But they did have a proper all-nighter party, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, so that's a developement in a possitive direction.
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