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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Yes, they got dressed, she tookher purse and they left.
  2. Dasha even hid when she was a recident of RLC too, the sex was almost always under covers. And yes, this new Tony&Margaret place seems nice.
  3. We can, continue, but when I have presented my view, and you yours, and we dissagree very much, then we'd rather stop it at that, instead of it getting like this, attacking each others motives. That emoji was posted by sergio. I on the same side with sergio in this discussion, but I reported this post by him.
  4. Norwegian state broadcaster says it is taken hostages in a resturant. Also metro and public transportation is shut down.
  5. Dear mods, such emojis should be banned, that is my opinions, it is only used to make fun of others opinions, and do not contribute anything in a debate at all!
  6. OK, I may have interpretted it wronly then, sorry, I not going to drag out the discussion further now.....
  7. I don't say it is unnormal to be model, nor that they shouldn't do it, but I say that is not the everyday life of my neighbors. I see them as adults and most of them proffessionals, not innocent angels. There is no doubt they like going to the beach, and go shopping, but I say it is not the only thing they are up to in Barcelona. It is my view, you have yours, let us just end it with that. Actually I kind of agree, we shouldn't really care what they do outside, but when the effect is very little life inside the apartments, people get frustrated. There we also dissagree happyone, I consider the silly "parties", or staged activities, not worth anything at all.
  8. My english is not that good, expressing nuaces can be very difficult in a foreign language.
  9. Not everyone believes that farytale! People that come in contact with, and choose to live on a voyeur site, they are not my neighbors of normal people. I know you follow these girls moos54, I assume you know many of these girls are models, some dance in clubs etc. I'm sure they don't just like to go to the beach, but also have proffessional appointments during their time in Barcelona, just take the photographer for example. I know we dissagree, wether further speculation around such things is acceptable, or not, but if you are denying all this, I think we also can dissagree on who talks the most bullshit.
  10. OK, so the curly one is Sher? Was it the chubbier one who had birthday then????
  11. Sure? Wasn't it the curly girl having her birthday last week? And on the happy birthday sign it said Regina? I might be wrong though, so I'll say the curly one.
  12. We can always hope! Just hope Lola never finds out about any of them, she'll probably find a way to boost in, creeve all attention and make nothing happen.
  13. Where is those posting Belle, Gina or Sofie in big coloured letter now??? With hearts and angeles? This was mora than they ever showed. I think Vasilisa deserves such a post too!!! I could do it myself, write: VASILISA But it would maybe not be the same, cause I've kinda built up my reputation as a negative criticizer.
  14. To those saying we just moan, without saying what we really want the girls to do. I speak for myself, but: This what I want! Very good Vasil, keep it up! In 10 days she has done what Gina couldn't do in 200 days!
  15. Yes, I'm probably often too deffencive, I have probably insulted mebers because I dissagreed with them too. I've already admitted that what started this discussion was a big misstake by me. Moos54 has every right to express his opinion. I'm very sorry for my misstakes, I truthfully am! Sorry @moos54.... We dissagree about wether critique against tenants are rightfull or not. I acknowledge that it borders to insults many times, but even if, I think speculations about the tenants should bee acccepted. I agree with some accusations, think others are absurd, but I still support them. On the other hand, I don't like the treatment such posters get on here. The personal attacks, constant picking and making fun of. I know euromike says we then feel how the girls feel when we accuse them, but in my view that is very different, they expose themself on a public voyeur site, and it is their lifes we come to this very forum to discuss. It is not just attacks on rhetoric, it is picking on language, questioning motives, accusing posters of having other agendas, and judging how misserablee their lifes must be. @HarleyFatboy and @euromike69 can't even enter the thread without doing it. When I see members get banned for making accusations against tenants, I just wonder why this is accepted? You too @happyone accused me of things before, was attacked and picked on, but not so much anymore, maybe I adopted, found better ways of express myself. Well happyone, it might be me taking easily offence, but I think I tollerate normal dissagreement. For example, I've had big dissagreements with @nagachilli2, I may have said some bad things to him, but I feel we have made up, and I feel our discussions were pretty respectfull. P.S. this is the bourd for ranting, sorry for the insults made, now I have vented my frustration.
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