Would that assume that gay people are boring? 😄 Pesonally I am not acquainted with gay couples. That's what's why it's interesting for me to watch gay guys on voyeur sites. But Sam and Fin is like an old couple. They even sleep in different beds sometimes.
Agree with @doudou They are really a nice couple. She is so expressive! She gets angry so fast, but they keep being together. With so much passion, so much care for each other. I remember the time when Greg was with Inna and when he left Inna for Marna I thought that he will not be with Marna for a long time. But they are still together.
I don't think so, Amy) That would be wonderful, but i think it might be straight or gay couple. Transsexuals are too rare in Russia and they are all hidden underground. Not like in South America, for example, where you can see them everywhere.
Unless they contract someone from LatAm....