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Everything posted by born1950

  1. The new guy came with Diego. Let's see how it goes now.
  2. Diego has done his job, he is allowed to leave with a goodbye kiss. He did not get a farewell fuck. poor Boy.😃
  3. Good that now the meaning of Diego is confirmed as a break clown. So he was not really cheated.
  4. Since Archi left the apartment Nikki is only lazy and does very little. Nikki and Archi had more than three times as much sex as Nikki and the new lover. Away from sex, Archi has been busy managing Nikki. The new one can not do that and without guidance Nikki is uninteresting. Conclusion: Archi is needed, not Nikki. Nikki is interchangeable, but Archi is not.
  5. Was können wir erreichen das sich VHTV wieder auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentriert?
  6. von ihr gibt es gefühlte 5000 Videos auf allen bekannten Pornoseiten in deutlich besserer Qualität, warum liefert uns VHTV Pornodarsteller die man an anderer Stelle kostenlos sehen kann, nur besser als hier?
  7. Aus Urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir Ihnen, dem zahlenden Zuschauer diesen Schwanz und diese Pussy nicht in Nahaufnahme zeigen, also wirklich, das musst Du doch verstehen.🤣 Passt zu den letzten Beiträgen bei Adam&Eva-
  8. I've been at VHTV and RLC for 2.5 years. RCL had last month terminated, not because the apartments are gone, but because in the remaining apartments are boring. VHTV is different, there are too many apartments here. Two years ago there were fewer homes with more exciting residents, not just sexually. This also affects the archives, it simply will not save many good moments. Probably because too many apartments need to be checked. Apartments where porn actors are shown are actually not apartments but studios, here live no people here working actors. Sofie, Stella and colleagues can be viewed on dozens of FreePorno sites in the net if you want (I'm not really), completely without VHTV. Similar to how RLC lost the first parts of her name - REALLIFE, probably VHTV has lost the meaning of voyeur, too bad, JMO. In a few days my subscription will be extended by 3 months. If VHTV moves back to earlier quality in this time, I will extend in 3 months, if no exciting apartments are added and the archives will not be better managed again, I will also terminate VHTV.
  9. from Sofi and Kiril are felt every day felt 24 hours, there is a fan, who then has no time for the other apartments.
  10. Why should you send a ticket, RLC gets worse each month, so I canceled my subscription last month. After everything I read here in the forum every day, I did everything right.
  11. If he has 25 he may fuck her, if he is wrong he has to start from 0 again. 😄
  12. Bis heute kann niemand Anna & Alex das Wasser reichen, JMO
  13. There are quite a few videos in the archives around number 2000. There you can watch for weeks.
  14. No, Nikki works. Since Archi has left, there is much more.
  15. The fire in this apartment is off. Nikki and Archi had action every day, either sexually or otherwise. Nikki's new lover is just boring. N & A had more sex per day than Nikki and the new weekly.
  16. Nikki has resumed a part of her previous work, she has time, the new does not employ them as Archi.
  17. Nikki´s neuer Lover packt seinen Koffer aus und die Sachen in den Schrank.
  18. Ich denke schon das sich zwischen beiden eine seltsame Beziehung entwickelt hat, aber Eifersucht glaube ich nicht, eher ein gegenseitiges besitzen wollen. Die ersten Wochen waren deutlich und klar, dann ist es abgedriftet.
  19. Persönliche Probleme ist lustig ausgedrückt. Sie haben den ganzen Tag lautstark gesritten. Erst hat Nikki gepackt, dann hat aber Archi die Wohnung verlassen und Nikki ist geblieben. Seltsam wenn man bedenkt wie beide zu VHTV gekommen sind.
  20. The last launch date did not work. He was moved to November. How should we know if November does not become December? Good marketing is different.
  21. If I want to see a lot of meat I go to the butcher around the corner. 😃
  22. This apartment is the worst that VHTV has ever offered. In contrast, the dark cave of C & P is a real ray of hope. JMO
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