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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. Why not?!?!? If even the Kirill girls appeared there πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  2. Totally agree, miss her too.. but the times i remember (probably there was more) her "producing content πŸ˜‚" .. one she was totally wasted and passed out while the dick was there.. the other that she was in normal state she intentionally went to a blind spot. Guess after all this time that she disappeared that they no longer are in contact. (what isn't surprising at all 😁)
  3. Just because they aren't commented/spammed doesn't mean they aren't watched.. And there are comments (i remember at least for bellamy and marla&hector) that people watch them or have interest in checking them live/timeline. The question should be different, should be (considering the service that VH provides for their tenants) why "Apartment A" fucks is worth to Archives and "Apartment B" it isn't. Why "Apartment B" naked lady in the couch is worth to Archives and "Apartment A" it isn't. I know it's repeat mode πŸ˜‚ but again, wrong.. they produced adult content (even if that is the only thing that should be saved - i don't agree) it's just not saved, and that will generate that someone can say in the future.. "Txiii that couple A was online and they didn't even had sex or being naked in the kitchen/couch" Will end this subject here cause seems i'm in loop mode 🀣
  4. History Channel doesn't count πŸ˜‚
  5. Still / Webster&Dolly have friends 😁
  6. Surely it should be a very good reason why any of the sub-managers that she already was involved didn't put an apartment in her hands
  7. You aren't.. she created drama with everybody and keep running from places to places cause nobody can stand her 😁 Surely won't miss her when she be kicked out by scott (guess it's the only one missing in that area)
  8. Not everybody cares with the archive.. a very small amount of subscribers even know how that archives works and that can be requested. Not to say the even minor amount of subscribers that know about the existence of CC (or participate) The fans watch live/timeline and saves what they like them selves because it's easier and probably know that it's not a trustable system. It happens surely with N&K (as another example) and you can see that the private videos topic at CC have more then 300 posts and count the number of videos they have saved, and surely it's not for being easier grabbing something, upload and post then just do the request I save a lot of stuff from different places that isn't on archives and can bet that happens the same with many others viewers. So the content was produced and the videos aren't there πŸ˜›. P.S. And i'm not even entering in the quality of content, about the producers (guests / "guests" / tenants / managers) of that content, how and what "originate" that content. And specially.. in what is content?? 🀣
  9. The question should be asked to VH.. But i guess they don't even notice if the apartment is empty or occupied πŸ˜‚
  10. I'm not complaining about the job that is done or if A or B have or not have their stuff saved (that's issues for VH to solve and deal with the ones that are harmed with that distinction between places). I pretty much know all the work & time that Jabs lose to save all that giant amount moments that he saves every day. Just saying (and with evidences 😁) that the number of videos can't be a reasonable measuring of content when the places aren't all in equal circumstances and are dependent on external partners. How will you know that something is missed when the release of videos normally is after 48H that operators have access?? 😎😁
  11. So the boss don't let the TENANT sleep in the house bedroom.. and now it's lyla that kicked him out of the guest room??? Poor Benjamin 😁
  12. A perfect example of that is sonnenoch posts 😁 His hands are quite busy when there are orgies or fuck all around, but when ken is playing/sleeping he appears
  13. A bate is a bate, a fuck is a fuck..The part of worth is related with tastes and shouldn't be like that. The talk is about VH content produced 😁, i was just saying that the vids on archive can't be a method for that because VH don't have a "real" system fair to ALL their places.
  14. Enjoy until scott use her and kick her out again πŸ˜‚
  15. but that doesn't mean that the places aren't "producing content" to VH πŸ˜‰ There are a pretty classic example of tons of pages with comments in one ex realm that produced basically "0 content". If we talk about a bat the "oldies" will know what i'm talking about
  16. Really??? So all that behavior it's her under no substances?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  17. And that's a proof that the number of vids on Archive doesn't mean the apt's are dead 😁 Bellamy (for example) had a lot of sex and bates. Hector&Marla probably would also had 0 moments if wasn't him writing on requests topic
  18. If she had arrived for yesterday party she could had beaten a lot or records with all that dick circuits and "wrong doors" to enter πŸ˜‚
  19. Not much different. And guess the travel she is doing since she arrived don't help her to keep the foot in the land
  20. Jarod's posts (both) about both episodes stand totally corrected to what occurred. About the bold: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  21. With all the pussies rotating in his gang and in the state she was (πŸ˜‚) it's totally normal that no ones could even notice being someone that disappeared long time ago. It looks just another one Wasn't the tag in archive and i wouldn't even know who and where she was
  22. What a surprise he also have visited elaine πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ There is nothing respectful in what he did.. Guess he's the "good guy" when they are woke up. But the boss of the apartments will tell him that if he wants to keep using the pussy material he have to do that abuses shit only off cams
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