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Everything posted by pahman

  1. Maybe Lisa will change her mind and come with Wilfried the guy who fucked her like a pornstar last friday. With Lisa you never know.
  2. Lisa is staying until february 18. I believe Em will also stay there temporarily. My guess is that this place will close later.
  3. Lisa is moving out, Misty is staying and still going strong. I believe that Lisa is moving out for two possible reasons: No renewal of the rental contract or not enough viewers to generate enough revenue for her apt.
  4. That's true. But if they don't make a lot of money at this moment, the problems will not be resolved soon. And to make money you need to have a good service. It's tricky
  5. Agree. I also think that this place is going to become a transitional apt until it closes (end of the month?).
  6. What i meant by smaller house is that if you can't pay this one, you go to a cheaper one.
  7. In my last message i said that maybe Lisa and Chloe will share a two bedrooms house. Then i thought it may also be that they're leaving because they can no longer pay the rent (meaning not enough viewers) If that's the case, they will go to a smaller house instead.
  8. Yes, they have to leave this place now so they don't pay extra rent. For the new Lisa & Chloe's place, maybe there will be two rooms.
  9. With Lisa, Em and Sid in the same place, i'm not sure it will be a hit.
  10. They don't seem to feel bad. But they're packing rather in a precipitated way.
  11. Maybe they are going to Anna and Alex place?
  12. Groomy can you tell us what is happening in this place? Is it closing?
  13. I don't know if i'm the only one with lots of buffering but it's really really annoying.
  14. So Grant is back. Lisa does not know what she wants. Maybe Wilfried didn't want to come back. I think i'm also gone. This place will never change
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