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Everything posted by pahman

  1. Maybe Misty should also become a manager. I think she would highly deserve it.
  2. So Mira and Henry have become managers. Congrats!
  3. No James. Looks like we will never see him here again.
  4. Yes, but they have the bedroom where they can do things without him being there. Yet, nothing happens.
  5. Lisa used to be absent ones a month, probably to visit her family. Last month when she did that and came back, she invited a new guy who fucked her. Lets hope she will surprise us again this time.
  6. Romthi, arrête de poluer ce forum avec des messages inutiles Romthi, stop spamming this forum with useless messages
  7. Maybe that's just your vision. BTW we don't have the same definition of patches. When the fundamentals are strong, you don't need patches. The people you invite are coming just to keep everything rolling. The best example is Anna and Alex
  8. Maybe she doesn't really care about Sid that is why she's doing that.
  9. Sid is the one who have a problem not Em. She cares about Sid but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about herself.
  10. This is just speculation. We don't know how Rock treated Ana before VH. Maybe he was treating her the same way he did here We don't know how deep the relationship between Em and Sid is. If it was so deep do you think she would've had sex so easily with Logan? I don't think so.
  11. George brought Serena because Nina and Alan were failing. I see Serena and all the people who came here to help as patches. You can't base success on patches. You need to look at the fundamentals (Alan & Nina). I would let Nina & Alan go and start something different, maybe with Serena?
  12. I think the time will come when she will have to chose between Sid and VH. I'm not sure she will chose Sid. Remember Anastasia?
  13. So George is back and about to start the same old shit again, expecting a different result this time? This place is dead. Maybe it's time for a different concept with different people?
  14. It's a reasonable decision. They can stay there until the birth of their child. The manager was certainly losing money in this place.
  15. Are Em and Bob communicating with each other via their phones?
  16. No, on Lisa's cake there was number 21 and Misty had her birthday one or two months later.
  17. You're right for Lisa crying but compare to these 'kids' behavior, it's different.
  18. When Misty and Lisa joined they were 20. They didn't act like kids.
  19. If these guys are allowed to be there it's because they are above the minimum age required to be on VH. This means they are adults, although they look like kids. So, lets stop arguing about the help they need. I'm sure there are lots of participants in VH who need help.
  20. The timeline when they went to the loggia. Look at the window behind cam 12. https://voyeur-house.tv/realm6/cam16?timestamp=1519689483
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