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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. yep i agree..i do think she would be better in her own place but shes happy with the setup its just us that are anti curly
  2. Face times him most days, does shows for him. He is Italian? they speak in English together but hard to make out as its not good mics in the room.
  3. Agree, shes sold me that day when holly was down and she went to see her and had a chat. Didnt need too, but she did. Respect. But Curly...just something about him, but she is clearly in love , they say girls love a bad boy..
  4. remove curly and yeah, top girl...love is blind..shes happy so fair play to her
  5. Thought Gina was home alone but some lump on a bed turns out to be Boggy. a power nap before tonight's garage party?
  6. Radi with her little purple friend..slipped a pair of fishnets on before assuming the position.
  7. Same for me, all the way through school and packed lunches at my first job for years...a packet of crisps a mars bar or similar. Always white bread, never heard of wholemeal or wraps. Don`t remember hearing people say they were allergic back then, more they just had no choice.
  8. Winner tonight gets a night with Boggy, loser gets two...will get my coat im done...
  9. wait for the peppers to kick in..Curly will go top to tail so he gets all the eau de Gina
  10. Just caught them on a screen, thought my feed had frozen as it took ages for them to move..Seems they are not just dummies on a bed whilst the real ones are out somewhere..
  11. I would expect someone does and if not in the house outside and either screen shots it or something to them.
  12. Small doeses but he seems to be a part of the furniture, bit too settled for my liking
  13. Boggy not staying in the fun room? Only him, Curly (FS) and the cat musing out, TBF the cat might be already in.
  14. Looks a bit the same, more breast meat there but several dont look like they want to be there . Bet they dont have a good ol sing song after or a game of cards...Dont think Ari has the witches gear with her so no empowerment lessons tonight
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