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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. Walk through the room naked just a towel over his shoulder ..stop and talk to the girls on the bed...Megs would be crotch height...wander in and start the tub..Wander out and ask if they want to join... Would be funny as fuck🤣
  2. not sure, she and holly were at the door, had that small rucksack,then in the garage and up and down the stairs, im a stalker but that MI6 ditch a tail did me. but I think so. Boggy got abandoned outside after he bored Megs and Ari. Now set up a post in the kitchen waiting to catch the next unaware victim.
  3. hard to believe after the way curly went at her today, thought she would be good for a day at least.
  4. shes saying ffs why dont you fuck off out so we can have some fun without you getting in the way
  5. just me or B4 screens not loading or seem to be wrong timestamp. Thumbnails on the side
  6. Did a quick repeat this morning, Megs went off to play on her own, Ari joined her after and it is as you see now..Nowt happened...They seemed to spend plenty of time in the garage doing whatever they do...eventually split up and went their separate ways, dont think i have missed anything. Curly done Gina up the arse first thing, bit of a wake up call for her but thats the price she pays... Only bit i chucked at was he got a finger right up and prob tickled her tonsils but on removal of said digit wipes it on his shorts..amused me.
  7. Having a dance off ..will tag out later and someone else will have to take over
  8. Needs some tomatoes with it..LOADS AND LOADS ..be like being back at her place then...Still she did start to look bored at the end ...Trade off..food=Listen to Megs ..Must be a struggle as Ari can talk for hours without coming up for breath
  9. Girls night in and one Dad to keep the kids in check...maybe he will let the wife choose one for later? Tv repossessed so = singing..and Megs has a sous chef tonight.
  10. Having lots of trouble with this site tonight, wont load or goes 522 error..I see the heavy onese on now and outside Boggys place so maybe the complaints about sloping off to the garage have been made .
  11. Holly looks like shes dressed up, bit OTT for a jigsaw in the lounge unless shes off out Megs was in the kitchen in sweats but quick upstairs to change..Party or out?
  12. Set of Gallows? Looks like another painting stand Edit in..looks like he has a jigsaw as well, that should keep him busy for a bit, lock himself in the garage out the way.
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