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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. Holly and Alek must of been waiting outside the door for Megs to finish unless they agreed to meet at 9... Could of joined in..all friends here 😉
  2. Yes and no..not sure of all the rules but UK is on block unless work or Education and very few flights..need a letter thats approved by border control not just isolation.. Not been following that long to know the ins and outs, but if there is a good presence of talent in the Barca area they could do more and that is just lazy..still if they get mails asking bring x or y or z back then i suppose thats the winning formula.
  3. Megs bating for those interested..of which i am.. Edit..Got her fella on the phone behind the pillow
  4. no..i was writing her off not you...calm down..and thats Mr Spanky to you..😛 i agree fresh faces would be nice. But Covid has played a major part in choice..Thats why i think its strange if Alek goes unless it is her choice, which it might well be.
  5. A secret note in the bag..she read it then swallowed it ..the new Agent Hunt...if you accept this mission.... Your right, we cannot unless someone has a direct line or a translation of all her calls or cloned her phone for sms
  6. I would miss her for sure , brings a strange vib to the place, but in a good way. Seems as mad as a box of frogs sometimes and bundles of energy. If her times up and shes got someone waiting outside for her all the best. She would be welcomed back for sure. Already writing her off..bit sad.
  7. I would say both right..bit sad i can do this but here goes... she was in her room until 1037..went down to the fitness room and outside. Sat alone then went back in , she didnt meet anyone but then did get a message, scampered to the garage at 12.11 and came out moments later with a bag. Went to the kitchen with Holly to eat it So yes someone brought her some stuff but other than it must be who did the pool it could be anyone. Pleased for her, shes a nice lass and if she has life outside fair play to her. Edit in shes back now 19.44pm.. @Noldus eat your heart out on that timekeeping..move over buddy.🕵️‍♀️
  8. Guys visited yesterday? Didnt see any guys, N and M left ..H M and A sat outside most of the day, eat together, watched tv and bed. Gina was out until just before 10, and was alone
  9. Radi just looked up and cried nooooooooooo and went to the window to check 🍅🍅
  10. Bogs and Nelly back..all smiles and showers Nellys Knees have recovered as shes on them giving a BJ.. ...No sign of Martina..must be tied up in the garage
  11. News just in..Shortage of Tomatoes reported in the Barcelona area...farmers asked to double their growth, that cannot be good for you that quanity
  12. Both Ariana and Sera all dressed up lookin well smart.....girls night out? Bit OTT for a chat round one of the other places and too early in the week for another masterclass on women's empowerment by Ari
  13. Sorry dont agree. You have stated you were in an accident or something and from that you were then under surveillance and your life picked over. THEY are doing a job, THEY joined fully aware of what is required. THEY will be watched 24/7, when THEY are in the house. What they choose to show is up to them. They know it will be guys watching and wanting nudity/sex...you don't just take a job without some idea of what is needed. THEY chose to be watched, THEY can quit ..tap out whatever they want. Yeah times are hard, so what? They the only ones with families etc to feed? Come on...I think you are in the wrong place TBH i dont see anything nasty being said, you think my post hurry up woman and knock one out is disrespectful? No idea what you do for a job but even with the political correctness of modern life i think you are naive. Anyway this is OT and so moving on..
  14. I said something similar, its girls on VACATION...not mundane regular day to day ..fuck i wouldnt watch me either if i had to show my average day. Why some people come on a forum that they have no active connection to is amazing me as well. I don't own a Ford so i don't go on their forums telling everyone who does there idiots and shouldn't have one. Other forms of transport are available..i love you ford owners dont start..
  15. 98% thats quite a specific amount..i would give it none myself but hey your odds are better than mine. Do i show my cards at poker, no as i don't play but if i did i would prob not do it in a room with web cams 😉 Am just messing i have no thoughts either way on her..only thing she really needs to do is get a better playlist..80 disco music ..let it go.
  16. If it takes as long to get a reaction as it did for her to find a G spot🕵️‍♀️ i will have gone to bed ..and its still only early in the UK. Although the position shes in now is quite interesting..looks a bit painful but prob good for her posture...see i can be positive 🤣
  17. No idea just what others have said, some form of caretaker/manager ..if so i would of thought that all would be covered as they are not that far apart from again what i read
  18. But it is fun to guess You know my pet hate is that garage so lets see if that one got back, or another look at the camera with a F..you 😇 You distracted me i see Ms Radi has finished, do you think shes writing me that note?
  19. Fair enough valid points....Still not sold on the she read it here, but it could be someone outside sent her that message. Hard to prove either way🕵️‍♀️...Oi Radi tonight on your millionth tomato look at the camera and say for you MSPANKER...i will say sorry.😁 Or a note telling me i am a Bastard..works either way.
  20. Interesting view, not quite sure why she is here then as i wouldn't say this is quite the right "job" for a shy girl. Holly goes out in a cap, i don't think its a fear of being recognised , and def not a shy girl. Radi taking requests? I will make a list 😁
  21. Ok..Lookin good Radi..take your time ...do you think she heard me?
  22. Radi on bating..Like a kid with a new toy, not quite sure how it works, doesn't want to break it or ask anyone for help! Keeps doing a little rub but then gets scared....with the vibrator she even covers her eyes...FFS woman google is your friend!!!!
  23. Both awake and talking..no drama..tears..knifes..sirens or UM..yet..still no high 5 either so who knows
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