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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 9 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    People don't want to see sex between people who aren't really passionate for each other. It's the chase that creates the drama and draw to watch. Take that away and present sex just the sake of sex it comes off as staged and pointless. If there was any real danger that Serena could have severed the relationship with Nina then you would have something, but just allowing Alan to have passionless sex with Serena doesn't go very far to hold anyone's interest. So much of VH is becoming dick in dick out, oh look it's over where's my phone, repeat! I see a lot of sex and very little passion that's why I put my faith in the couples. At least I know there is at least some degree of passion. While others may see boring sex, I see the connection and for most of the couples it's genuine. 

    I make an exception for Mira and Henry! They actually are capable of having passionate group sex.  

    Couldn't have put it any better Amy you are spot on in all respects.

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  2. After all that has been said the USA has basically two factions, the gun lobby and the anti gun lobby and there is one word neither side wants to hear or entertain and that word is COMPROMISE. Until either side learn that there will be no solution I am afraid. As someone said earlier the genie has been let out of the bottle and what will be will be.


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  3. 19 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    People who are hell bent on killing people will find a way to kill people. No law can stop them from killing people. Likewise, you can't just lock people up because you think they may be dangerous. You need the minority report for that. Perhaps as a society we should value goodness over success and fame. People can blame guns all they want, but the gun is just a tool like any other. To blame a tool to explain the reason for the actual problem is absurd and a copout. 

    A gun maybe only a tool but when they are so freely available you are asking for trouble especially in the wrong hands. And why oh why are automatic assault rifles and the like available for god's sake people aren't going to war are they?. From an outsider's point of view it is just a mad policy destined for disaster as so many American parents have found out. Obviously an Americans point of view is bound to be biased but until people come to their senses tragedies of this kind will  unfortunately continue to happen and many lives lost which could be avoided or at least drastically reduced.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:


    Wonder how you guys deal with video calls when you're doing something you don't want other people to know about?

    I have a Samsung phone a J5 which is fine for what I use it for in fact it works dam well for the low cost. Don't do video calls quite enough to manage emails and messages etc lol. Only on here and VH in short spasms as there is a life outside apart from glaring at a screen all bloody day.😂

  5. 7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Oh yes! I've told that to many people here. The absolute best way to watch VH is to watch on an iPad Pro 12.9. That's what I have! But, it's not ideal for snapping pictures.

    Very true, a tablet is fine for just viewing but to easily do anything else you have to use a pc.

    Obviously an Apple fan eh Amy?

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