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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 1 hour ago, PALMDOC1000 said:

    I was not one to bounce from apt to apt. I had a specific interest in M&H's entertainment house. I've been quite clear of my desires relative to this issue. Once again, lost interest and now more importantly lost interest in you fools negativity. I know I won't be missed nor will I miss you. I'm rather going beyond my dignity to engage in back and forth BS...Have a limp life!

    Of course you had a specific interest in M&H because you were seeing all the action free 😁 Now you can't see it free you are fucking off lol.

    • Like 3
  2. Yawn yawn, still not the same subect FFS when will it ever end. This is getting extremely boring now. its now 4 hrs since i originally logged off and still eveyone is like a dog with a bloody bone lol.

    All everyone is doing now is repeating themselves its like a long playing record over and over zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • Like 4
  3. Basically it would seem that M&H have fucked it up for everyone else by giving everyone free viewings on their action so can we agree on that for now and call a halt to this dreadfully boring and repetitive discission.

    And again amy its got fuckall to do with a loggia where ever it is so can we put that argument to bed as well.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    If it's that you conclude from what i Said, nothing i can do about it. Where did i talk about same rights? Did you read anywhere that shoud have access to bedroom? Shower/wc? All cams on LR? 

    And it's funny that you pick the same examples that i was complaining to say that no one is complaining about that. :) 

    Here até M&H things got changed.. on the other places that i mentioned are like that since day One. Here they had viewers... On the other houses a lot less viewers


    Please check my first posts about this issue to see my opinion about the change

    All i am saying is that the way the M&H apartment is laid out you will either see everything or nothing, no amount of argueing or discussion with alter this fact so it is pointless going on about it.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    No, we’re not! It should be comparable to what the other tenants live under. 

    Yes i do agree but that isn't possible with M&H due to the apartment configuration and size.

    After all ii have said earlier in some apartments the free cams don't show fuckall really like Cleo & Axel and Lisa & Chloe but you can't do that in M&H except the loggia though i have seen some action in the loggia from time to time.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    And don’t get me wrong, I love MH. I don’t blame them for doing this. I blame VH for letting them get away with it.

    Again what is the argument that keeps the rest of the tenants from requesting a loggia only free cam apt? 

    Again Amy i think M&H are possibly a one off case due to the apartment layout etc. I don't think having a loggia only cam has got anything to do with it really but the loggia cam is the ONLY cam in the whole apartment where you don't get a prime view no matter what cam you use elsewhere for free viewing.

    Most other apartments do have living room cams but the free ones are usually giving the least best viewing positions in M&H this just isn't possible.

    Amittingly it is a problem but you have to strike a balance somewhere so the subscriber isn't at a disadvantage to the non subscriber.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Agree with Amy, no one will be watching that free cam looking from hour to hour if someone appear on the image, maybe now (and talking by myself) because darcie is there. But this its not only a issue for M&H... Viki& Kate, Cléo&Axel, lisa&chloe and give for free the situation of clara&stas and David&Carrie because they have two free cams on a total of 7. They VH should have a word on house approval because of cams



    Don't understand why everyone seems to have got all worked up about the free cams?

    Are you saying those who don't subscribe should have the same viewing rights as subscribers or what?

    M&H are a one off case i think where the living room has a good proportion of the main action as no matter what cam you use you get a good view therefore a non subsciber sees the same as a subscriber.??

    All other apartments do allow you, if you are lucky, to get a glimpse of some action if it occurs in that area, Cleo & Axel you only get a view of the hall which is worse really than M&H loggia, Lisa & Chloe is only the kitchen etc etc no ones being picky over those  so why the shock horror over M&H loggia only on free view?

    I think this is now being blown up out of all proportion now and is getting a bit silly.

    • Like 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, Amy3 said:


    Like I said, I care more about CC then VH. Freeloaders are a key part of this entertainment. I don’t want a subscriber only CC club and you don’t either. 

    Excuse me if I am wrong but don't you have to be a subscriber to CC in order to comment and enjoy all it's perks? If so how is that much different than VH? You are welcome to give me a bollocking if I am wrong lol

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