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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 1 minute ago, tweety said:

    1. You are not my pal.

    2. You did not push a wrong button

    3." the freebies "  as you call us  have the same rights on this site (CC) as "the subs"

    Deal with it. ::)


    Oh dear has someone has got out the wrong side of the bed today lol

    Ok lets just avoid each other if that will make you happier, have a nice day as they say.


  2. 10 minutes ago, Zwavelaar said:

    Do they actually enjoy this? I mean, no smiles, only serious faces and no real (visible) excitement. Too bad, because the girls are beautiful.

    Very good question but the trouble when money is involved for viewings etc is that viewings tend to be more important than personal excitement so the whole thing gets to be more of a business.

    I don't think, at least in this apartment, that feelings to some extent just don't exist just the robotic fucking element and going through the motions.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Don’t be angry. They had to otherwise their biggest area to have sex could be viewed for free basically. All 3 cams offer good views of the living room. Perhaps good enough that actual subscribers wouldn’t even bother to sign on to view. Since they don’t get paid for free cam views, it starts to make some sense why. 

    I still think they should put a free cam over by the front door pointing towards the couch.  

    They’ll figure something out, but if you’re not paying don’t expect a good view, but I do think it’s worth expecting at least a shitty view. 

    They could perhaps have the loggia as a free cam as they get a few nude viewings there as a tantiliser i suppose.

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