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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

    And i don't see any problem on thinking like that... But they should also think that could not be the way to earn more subscribers.. or saying differently, could be the way to get lost more possibilities of subscription 

    Fucking on the free cams is the basic lure, throw out the bait and hope it gets taken and then reel them in eh. Basic rule of advertising just give them a sweetner 😂

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  2. 1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

    The idea of enjoying seeing my partner enjoying sex with someone else, perhaps even better sex than I could provide, would fuck with my head eternally. The other big problem for me would be the risk of STDs.  But, to each their own. Not my cup of tea!  I still love and respect Mira and Henry all the same. :heart:

    Whatever floats your boat eh as long as you don't sink the bloody thing :biggrin:

    Have never understood the mentality of these so-called swingers as surely any normal person would have pangs of jealousy seeing their girlfriend/ wife being fucked and handled by someone else I know I would unless you have hearts of stone.

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  3. 4 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Dear cc mate i could tell you so much about..him and her..and i will do precisely that,him it's like an potato chips but in blue,in more professional terms,him it's like an box of correctly fry chips,now her..it's an all other story,the crossed stories led to an vanishing of verbs that by itself become precisely that..her.Basicaly and to wrap things up but also absoluty not finish..him and her are from the verb..be.bee..yes like Maya.cheers.

    Now explain that to me in english :biggrin::biggrin:

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  4. Lol yeah know what you mean thought I had turned every option off but still get the bloody things. I sort of cured it by specifying all camcaps stuff as spam so it goes straight into my spam folder which makes it easier to delete in one go. But when writing this I think I have found an easier way to stop them, when you write messages there is an option at the bottom to untick " Notify me of replies" is this the magic button lol. But you would have to untick this for every apartment I assume ?.

  5. 2 minutes ago, pahman said:

    You're right. It's better to be in Alex and Anna's team because they don't let people go so easily even if the stats are bad. They act with their participants like a family, for now at least.

    Well they are certainly loyal with Em and Sid, fuck knows why 😂

  6. I assume when they applied to join they were told what the viewers expected of them ( within reason) and the odd weekly fuck was probably not in the expectations lol. It's a shame as when they do perform they are very good otherwise if you have trouble sleeping don't bother with sleeping tablets just tune into this apartment lol.

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  7. 1 hour ago, zoifan said:


    Six month ago, back in September, if someone would told me  that Edda will leave because of statistic, I say you crazy.

    But fast forward today,  I learn that the element of surprise is the key  to VH apartment survival.

    If we can predict a participant's next move, constantly then  we get bored, no matter how sexy they are.


    Quite agree and judging by how upset Edda was when she left I would assume they were pushed and not leaving on their own accord. When many subscribers start bitching and finding fault with anyone on here their end is only a matter of time. Afraid it's the forever problem of supply and demand.

  8. 7 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:


    But for example, watching someone like Jeff or Violet who almost never have guests or never do anything new sexually, I find them to be incredibly lame.

    Well like the saying goes......Whatever floats your boat eh.

    What is boring for you is not boring for everyone and vice versa, we all have different pleasures so let's just enjoy what we each like eh.

  9. 13 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Basicaly was just the usual blowjob or something almost no feelings,in first days with the girls guests they would go further and girls even got naked etc but lastest times was zero,last time was just their usual..two girls guest in bed with Edda just talking for hours and joe in robe watching things on computer in the chair,absoluty uninspired.Edda had potencial But always há de the feeling joe was limiting her.

    Basically that is how i see it i think it all started to go downhill after that great evening with Nora when Joe kept out the way we have had nothing as exciting since. As you suggest i also think Joe stopped all that excitement which is a shame as i think Edda really enjoyed it rather than as lately all she has been doing is keep blowing a lifeless Joe.

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