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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 36 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Groomy, just how fucked are the non swingers on VH? Are they gonna starve and get run out of their homes soon? How does this sex competition end? I guess the fact that they are still there means they are at least making enough to pay rent. Seems like orgies are the only thing that anyone really care about anymore. Sad!

    Quite agree always good to have a few honest couples on VH as apposed to these gang bang orgies which, while can be a bit of a laugh, don't always appeal as there are no true feelings there its just fucking for fucking sake.

  2. Just now, jjkopite said:

    Didn't Joe used to go out to work at one time?

    Yes he did on some nights in the past and that was when Edda enjoyed her girly nights which were her best moments.

    That famous Nora night he was there but he stayed in the bedroom all the time. Never happened since.

  3. 1 minute ago, miscvoyeur said:

    Edda is still my favorite girl on VH so I kinda still care. I just haven't interest in this place recently because the passionless lifeless Joe made their sex painful to watch. But ultimately I don't want them to leave. I still think Edda can provide a few good memorable moments.

    She could do if only Joe would leave them alone but when ever recently she had girls round he was always lurking which seemed to put a dampner on things.

  4. 7 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

    Apart from Bear does anybody care anymore?

    Not particulary as i think they were past their sell by date as everything was getting so boring and predictable.

    Once Edda seemed to start losing her girlfriends and her girly nights I just seemed to lose interest as seeing her forever blowing the living dead was it for me.

  5. Don't think Darcie knows what she wants just been replaying some of it and she seems to start or let something start then within seconds changes her mind and backs away again. Just don't understand her mind its as though she doesn't know what she wants most of the time she just stops and starts etc.

    I'm confused though perhaps not as confused as she is lol.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Agree in part with that.. but the "problems" in bedroom seems to have started when henry get to close of her.. and then she left. She is/was totally ok with guest 

    Yep must admit she does not seem to like any advances from Henry for some reason but then I suppose we all have our likes and dislikes.

  7. As I said earlier Darcie needs to calm down a bit as she wasn't sure what she wanted earlier in the sex stakes she seemed to be unable to settle in any one sex act for more than a couple of minutes before pulling away and trying something else. She will settle down but trying to compete against Mira & Henry is a tall order for anyone. Just give her a break eh guys 

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