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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. For the length of time they were out there and how cold it was I would say it would be very unlikely unless Rick is a minute man!
  2. Anyone who is in a relationship and swing have clearly agreed upon rules. Candy accused Dean of not sticking to them.
  3. Candy can move in with Sid and Em, she would benefit from such a stable place
  4. Thing about a 3some is that you have to make sure your partner is taken care of as well!
  5. Exactly, Candy seemed to be speaking reasonably at one stage but nothing was coming back from Dean so who knows what was being said.
  6. We could do with Groomy to tell us what the hell is going on
  7. Heather has any sense she will get out of there!
  8. Couldn't agree more, Dean & Candy know how it works, they have been around the project for quite a long time. Teasing is acceptable, hiding is not!!
  9. Quoting exactly what somebody said is not being controversial, just truthful.
  10. I thought he controlled her pretty well, she certainly seemed to enjoy it rough.
  11. Serena never looks like she is enjoying doing it though.
  12. Misty's really good as well but for her its just a means to an end
  13. Cooling her pussy off in the bath now by running the water straight onto her pussy!
  14. Darcie will be walking bowlegged tomorrow Shows what a real man can do!!
  15. Darcie is getting screwed hard, god she is LOUD !!
  16. He must be a minute man then, no wonder she didn't want anymore
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