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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Will probably finish up with Em and Sid staying together.
  2. Only Em and Bob know what happened, everything is just speculation, nobody SAW anything !
  3. Sid shouldn't have tried to play grown up games if he couldn't deal with the fallout !!
  4. Never realised there were so many hiding places in this apt.
  5. Now Bob's come back Sid will probably lock himself in the toilet again.
  6. Surely Alex and Anna designated somebody to act on their behalf? I think it is time somebody intervened.
  7. Can't be kicked out for acting like a spoilt child.
  8. I think it would be the worst mistake Em could make, it would give all the power in the relationship to Sid.
  9. Why doesn't Em get rid of both of them and get Sia to move in with her?
  10. We really need somebody who understands whats being said !!
  11. Bob still hasn't taken his coat off. Not staying?
  12. She needs somebody who will go along with her, not hold her back.
  13. Sid was acting like a little child who misplaced a toy!
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