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Everything posted by ImJustThatBored

  1. It's because of that weird hindu bell shit in the background, not because they're boring as fuck and always do this with no payoff.
  2. Probably because this forum used to trip over themselves when Leora would so much as brush up against herself lol. Maybe it's because I came back after a long leave of absence to find this site completely gutted, or the fact that I have replay for free for some reason, Leora is just pretty boring to me. Yea, she's cute, but there's probably like 200 million cute girls in the world, so she's nothing special. I'm probably gonna get crucified for saying this, but personally, I was a big fan of Chloe, and Julia to a lesser extent. I was bummed when RLC got cleaned out because of the Russia shit or whatever.
  3. Probably because this forum used to trip over themselves when Leora would so much as brush up against herself lol. Maybe it's because I came back after a long leave of absence to find this site completely gutted, or the fact that I have replay for free for some reason, Leora is just pretty boring to me. Yea, she's cute, but there's probably like 200 million cute girls in the world, so she's nothing special. I'm probably gonna get crucified for saying this, but personally, I was a big fan of Chloe, and Julia to a lesser extent. I was bummed when RLC got cleaned out because of the Russia shit or whatever.
  4. She WAS laying with her ass facing the camera dicking around on the computer, but after Paul came in she decided to get under the covers.
  5. They're bickering at each other again. Maybe they're arguing in the closet, because I can hear them on the bedroom cams, but not see them.
  6. That happens a lot on RLC in the roommate houses though. Maybe a glass of wine, some shitty music, dancing, halfassed massages and some boob/butt grabs, then everybody goes to bed. At least that's what I've noticed in the year or so I've watched, and the 6mos I've been subbed. Occasionally, there's some more in depth playing, but it's infrequent.
  7. A nice little blowjob, and the sounds of the cat completely wrecking the house in the background 🤣
  8. That brings up a question I've got for these B apartments. I know VH has managers that get tenants, but what's RLCs deal? Do they run ads? "WANTED: Mid-20s russian girls to live rent free in brazil. Must walk around in little to no clothing. Occasionally grind and rarely finger each other, blueballing audience as much as possible. Must occasionally have parties that end with all participants immediately going to bed. Need 2 girls for one house to spend as much time as possible in bed and not interact with other tenants." From my POV anyway. I couldn't find a thinking emoji.
  9. There's like paramedics or something at the house. Giving Nina an injection.
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