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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. They come in on a Visa and the Visa has a date they have to depart.
  2. Maybe he's looking to get Gonorrhea, Syphilis or Herpes. 🤣🤣
  3. I shave it all off and just let it grow back. These warm summer months I like being bald.
  4. He'll have to get a penis stretcher then he won't be so disappointed about his shortcomings. 😁
  5. I get my hair done for free as well. I do it myself. 🤣🤣
  6. He'll be just like the other guys. Think with the wrong head.
  7. He's got one thing on his mind and that's getting laid. He serves no other purpose for being there.
  8. Another side note. RLC needs to replace Leora & Paul. 😁
  9. He's been sued for a lot lately. 😁😁😁 He hasn't seen anything yet. Wait for Melania to file for Divorce from him then she can sue for half of his assets.
  10. I would not know as I don't even know their real first names are.
  11. RLC forgot they had Eliska & Pepik a couple of years back and just inserted the wrong name. Once the error was brought to their attention they changed it from Thea & Zeke to Eliska & Pepik. Maybe iif thy have another couple they'll give them the Thea & Zeke moniker as we all know RLC does not use the Tenants actual given name.
  12. Thea & Zeke was Eliska & Pepik. RLC just inserted the wrong names. A error on RLC's part where the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.
  13. Welcome to Treasure Island. Start digging. 🤣🤣
  14. I would have had her here sooner but with such a small plane I had to stop and fuel up every 10 minutes. 🤣🤣
  15. With days like today with so many additions it's hard to make topics and try and read what others are posting. When I get to those posts where there's flaming one another the posts will get removed as they do not belong in an apartment topic.
  16. Lets just hope she kicked her drug habit before getting pregnant or she may have a kid that's a space alien.
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  18. Comments for Pictures & Videos are to be placed in this Topic. The Picture & Video topics are solely for Pictures & Videos.
  19. Comments for Pictures & Videos are to be placed in this Topic. The Picture & Video topics are solely for Pictures & Videos.
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