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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Texas officer fired after shooting hamburger-eating teenager - ABC News ABCNEWS.GO.COM A Texas police officer who shot a teenager who was sitting in his car eating a hamburger has been fired
  2. Paul and work do not fit properly into the same sentence.
  3. Likely watching pornography. Trying to find how to please a woman.
  4. They likely figure since they have no chance of getting laid why even bother coming around.
  5. Just drive to the Indian Reservations. They'll get gas for almost half that price. Gas without the Tax. Natives don't care if one has an Indian Status Card or not. They'll sell it to whoever wants it.
  6. Now she just has to open her legs so Bogdan has a vase to place them in.
  7. Long overdue for a trip to return to their homeland.
  8. Charly has departed the VHTV project. Rather than make another topic just continue in this topic.
  9. Looks like they're gone. Never came back.
  10. Looks like the relocation never happened. She's gone once again.
  11. This is generally what happens after each hurricane. The oil platforms are forced to stop production so they gouge the customers at the pumps.
  12. All that makeup she puts on every day + the Tanning Salons are not a big help. Everyone ages, the body sheds skin on a daily basis just like a snake. I agree some look younger longer but it eventually catches up.
  13. Sooner or later nature will win. She'll still wrinkle when her time comes.
  14. Ken has bit the dust once again.
  15. Try some Rocky Mountain Prairie Oysters or they might call it Cowboy Caviar in the USA, it's real food. A dish of delicacy you'll enjoy. 👌
  16. Then he could ask her to open her legs, he needs a vase.
  17. The door to remove Judge Aileen Cannon from the Trump case is now 'wide open': former prosecutor WWW.MSN.COM The door to remove Judge Aileen Cannon from the Trump case is now 'wide open': former prosecutor
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