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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. At least he resisted the urge to sing "Moonlight Bay" or "Roll Me Over in the Clover."
  2. Peter Puffer would have been a better term.
  3. If you go through a can a day you must have cast iron lungs.
  4. It's time for them to evaporate for a while.
  5. That would have to be the stupidest move ever going crypto. It'll likely never pass anyways.
  6. You've got to ping RLC's support squad if you want them to dive into any issues. It's like waving a flag at a lifeguard – they won't swim over until you signal for help!
  7. Back in the day, Nelly was quite lean, likely due to all the protein shakes she and Bog consumed.
  8. One of the most useless inventions created. It creates a lot of lazy people. Just like the phone, it made some stupid people in this world. Technology never done the world any favors.
  9. In our territory, we uphold the principles of freedom of expression and speech. However, in other jurisdictions, these laws might differ, allowing for the suppression of voices as deemed necessary. At Cam Caps, we reserve the right to remove comments when justified.
  10. Menstrual cycles are like snowflakes – no two are exactly the same. They can be short and sweet or hang around like an unwelcome guest, lasting anywhere from a brief 2 days to a full week.
  11. Let him thinks what he wants. He has his own playground now. We'll look after ours as we see fit.
  12. In the world of RLC, it's ladies first, and Vita proudly takes the lead in the name game.
  13. Issues at RLC often remain unaddressed until a complaint is filed with the support department of RLC.
  14. The Orange Mussolini knows all about lies. He has over 40,000 and still counting.
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