We have all done stupid shit while drinking. I am of no exception and have done some crazy fucked up things over the years. I think if I Sexually Assaulted someone that would be something that would be etched in my mind no matter how inebriated I was.
The thing here is someone has come forward with allegations and now they are at a point where they have no choice but to proceed with this hearing that's between Kavanagh and Ford. It's not uncommon for someone to come forward with allegations many years after the fact. If you read the news, many have been accused many years later right from within The Vatican, Catholic Priests, Clergy, normal everyday people and right through to the Politicians. Whether this event actually happened or not remains to be seen. This is not a Trial where someone is going to Prison for their Misdeeds it's only a Political Appointment of a man being Nominated for the SCOTUS. If Kavanaugh has done nothing wrong then vote him through the Nomination Process and then he'll deal going after the accuser through the Legal Process as most do when their good name gets Slandered. If he has done something wrong then let the Cards Fall where they may.