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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. With my favorite t-shirt (french inscription).
  2. New hair color for Bree. Cleaning apartement. Alone. Nude. Beautiful!!💙
  3. Lexy arrive in Russia (wait some weeks), Em (too young), Mira (not sure in Alex area), Cindy (i don't know her), Tara OK.
  4. Dean world champion! I like his attitude: always fun, cool, happy in any situation, love girls. I think he have fucked all girlfriends in Alex area. Golden medal.
  5. He Jabbath, are you hateful? Not you my german friend.
  6. Anyone know if Tara is always in Russia😃🐚??
  7. Impossible to know, Groomy maybe? In april, three big crisis between B&D, Bree crying 4 or 5 times. Everything have changed, after the sex party of Bree le 1st april with a weird guy. Since, no sex, no alcohol, no touch.
  8. -- sorry in french now, use translator, thanks -- Drew & Bree ont organisé ces 2 jours avec les personnes au top en ce moment, évidemment Lexy & Pete. Ils ont ajouté, Dean & Candy, mais surtout Heather pour exciter tout le monde. Objectif : argent. En effet, c'est la catastrophe entre Bree et Drew depuis un moment (et cela va durer). Les deux ne comptait pas avoir de sexe avec quiconque, même pas entre eux. Bree a facilement mis Lexy et Pete dans sa poche par des calins non sexuels, son arme fatale. Pete est un super gars, mais il tombe dans tout les pièges de la belle Bree (sonia). C'est ma version de la première soirée. J'attends la deuxième.
  9. L&P: be careful in the choice of yours friends. Everybody haven't the same definition. You (L&P) need friends, real friends. Take your time.
  10. I had readen "Slut" instead of "Lust"...
  11. It' not very friendly for Heather.....but so true!!
  12. Hello Priest, thanks for the point. I try one more: concerning Heather, i think even Matt have a real chance!
  13. I find you very optimist. Remember the last party here (after visiting Em & Sid apartement), Drew had stopped the hot cards game between Bree & Peter (Drew had fucked Tara just before in Bedroom). I think Drew dont like Lexy, and maybe Peter (why?). Bree does nothing without drew's approbation!
  14. Tupperware meeting since 2 hours between Bree, Drew and Dean!!
  15. Pas facile de choisir les moments pour les archives!!😝
  16. Jolie petite fête de nuls. Bree en chef de soirée, c'est pas terrible. Jeux puériles, vêtements à chier (sauf Candy), beaucoup de hors caméras. Merci à tous. Heureusement, tout était visible de la caméra gratuite, donc pas beaucoup d'argent pour eux. Bonnes vacances Bree.
  17. For me: - Heather + Bree - Dean + Tara - Lexy+Bree+Pete and Drew films (he likes that)
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