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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Bree like Penelope waiting for the return of Ulysses. Tomorrow maybe!!??
  2. You're not sick of speculating on these two virgins? Is the VH audience under 22 so important? I'm going back to Candy Crush!
  3. Bien sûr, mais des mots peuvent expliquer des comportements, et réciproquement. Toute façon, on n'a pas le choix sur VH! Bonne soirée Moos.
  4. J'avais oublié que tu parles aussi français Tu comprends le russe? J'aurais dû le prendre en 3ème langue à lycée, çà me servirai ici
  5. That what I said; interesting. Your analysis is good. PS: no negative message from me for a moment, my friend
  6. Thks Moos. Just for see the attendance CC and the notoriety of tenants. Yesterday, 3.800views/48h for Bree (average 79 views/hour (2 nights included)). Interesting, no? For a apartment dead.
  7. It's like that when you give jam to pigs! It's a French proverb : "C'est donner de la confiture aux cochons"
  8. Someone knows : views CC or VH? (green arrow), Thanks
  9. To be precise, the traduction is "I am the chief"
  10. Well done Budda Budda, ask how much money last month?
  11. A little sunray since a long time.
  12. Deep depression. Bree, you have to react as soon as possible, please.
  13. Correction, Golfer: the sentence of bree's T-shirt means "I am the chief". For the rest of your comment, I agree 200%.
  14. Few days and Drew come back (annoucement VH, remember?)
  15. T-shirt in french : "it's me who's in charge". Really?
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