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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Super version I find. With my encouragement, miss ....
  2. After a bottle and a half of wine! We try to forget as we can !!
  3. You must be the only one to think that.
  4. Yet with the sperm she swallows, she must not miss protein and potassium!
  5. Oui, où est ton Gode? Le mien, je sais, dans mon ....
  6. Drew is only interested in him. Bree was his toy (sex and money). She took a long time to see him because she was under his influence (and maybe needed money). I think the worst of this boy! When we have a girl like her, we take care of her.
  7. Absolutely, moos. I mention CC consultations (read again if necessary), nothing else. Although I think that, proportionally, the trend on CC must end up at VHTV. 10 millions people or VHTV visits?
  8. I do not know what are the other 2 houses of George. It is certain that for Alex, at least 4 of his houses are very bad (Misty, Dean, Anatasia and Bree). Yesterday again, the CC consultations are the worst. Incredible (and depressing), but it's the Em house that has to be his "best" home!
  9. As long as Drew is here, it will not happen in the apartment. We do not even know if Bree will continue VH without Drew !? Arrangements with managers (Alex / Anna) may be in progress?
  10. Ed / sid first! A priori it is finished between them (no longer layer together), also finished VH? Their VH incomes will go down dramatically, that should motivate them to make a decision. Bree's "service states" (lol) deserve some patience, I think.
  11. Je suis heureux de voir que tu es en pleine forme. Bonne soirée.
  12. There are desperate causes that are so beautiful. Friendly, sir.
  13. Hey Moos, Plus de 11.500 vues en à peine 24h!! Cà fait 8 à la minute. C'est le record CC ou une erreur? En toute amitié.
  14. A & G, your guests are all beautiful. Have a good time, I follow you.
  15. From my first post (last Saturday), I made it clear that the figures of the views I indicated were those of CC, and Moos has confirmed. This did not stop some from fantasizing. Interesting behavior: the reality is not important, that's what I would like that is important. I am neither a therapist nor a psychotherapist, but it seems to me to be very immature (like Em & Sid, probably a hazard!) Sincerely.
  16. I may have misunderstood what you said. When you say "a view is a view", I understand all views are equal, I hope that is not the case.
  17. Golfer, I will be very surprised that it works as you say.
  18. To be sure it would be necessary to have a contract of tenant. As I said on the topic Bree & Drew, VH redistributes 50% of the amount of subscriptions to tenants (it's written on their website). For me, it is not the number of views alone that counts, but the cumulative duration of connections (or maybe a mixed ?.) Example: a sex party of 1 hour (it happens sometimes), the one who looks at it completely generates only one view. While on an hour, if you will see 5 times 5 seconds if there is something happening in an apartment you have generate 5 views !! Illogical and demotivating for tenants. Afterwards, the money (the 50%) is distributed proportionally to the cumulative time of the connections of each apartment. I see it that way.
  19. This is the principle! More connection time, more money. I pointed out, in my previous post, that if subscriptions do not increase and the number of apartments increases, mechanically the share of each drops (in equal connection time.) I congratulate you on your appointment as CC statistician.
  20. D: "I made myself nice for you, darling." D: "A little kiss?" B: "Go shit"
  21. I doubt that VH's CFO is validating the payment to the number of views. Too fluctuating and dangerous: imagine that the number of views doubles without increasing the number of members! On his website, VH writes that he pays 50% of the subscriptions to the participants. I think that the 50% paid to all tenants is distributed proportionally to the connection time of each apartment (prorata temporis). This model is fairly stable for VH revenues but not necessarily for renters. Indeed, at equal number of subscriptions, when the number of apartments increases everyone is paid less in equal connection time.
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