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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Everything happens, he fucked her in the hallway that goes to the kitchen. Cam 2, 3:42 we hear well.
  2. Very beautiful epitaph, Golfer. You suggest that their upcoming separation (one day ...) is the result of a deep reflection on themselves. You may not have followed everything but the break was decided by Drew. Bree took a real shock (I bet not a secret everything happened in front of the cameras of the BR.) Personally, I always found that he did not go together, their relationship seemed to me a relationship master / student (I do not tell you who is the student) in all areas. Bree is a pretty girl who wants to be a woman, so she did everything Drew wanted. Never a misbehavior, no sex without him ... until the last guest. I had rarely seen a sexual fury like this for almost 3 hours! Coincidentally, 10 days after it's the end! That's my epithath.
  3. It's tragic a broken couple (Drama as VHTV says!).
  4. First cumshot was a handjob: no image too hard.
  5. It is interesting to see how the humor is different from one country to another. I will let you guess!!
  6. At this moment, I would prefer that she lives on the ground floor!
  7. I love Lola's dress tonight !! Little girl wise!
  8. Nothing really bad. We are in a rather murky context here, where women are subject to the wishes of the guys and they accept it. Here the limits are a little further than in the other houses. And then, she can be deserved
  9. ciao e benvenuto. Forza Italia !! (mio padre è italiano)
  10. A new couple with Lola's dog! It is cheaper a niche than an apartment, new concept for VH.
  11. About 10 hours of TV a day, his lenses will explode.
  12. Jabbath, you will overtake Budda in post number on Em. Everyone is wondering why this kids house is so much buzz. Budda, well done for your muse.
  13. I think exactly like you. Quality and originality first.
  14. They fucked until April 9th. Since "Game over" ....
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