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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Very pretty apartement It's getting worse and worse!!
  2. -sorry for my bad english- Can you tell me how is counted the views and how many rouble (or dollars) per view, thanks.
  3. Sure. Time is money, except for VH participants! For us, yes
  4. You know her I suppose. Nothing to expect. She is out of VH and not in the game, just a good friend of Bree. And Bree needs her actually. Tara is in the game, and no many more sex!!
  5. Very nice girl, apartement with Bree? Tara and Drew in an another. What, i can dream!!
  6. Les anglais ne parlent pas russe, et les russes ne parlent pas anglais! Vous ne saurez pas. J'ai suivi Bree et Drew depuis l'épisode (1er avril) du gars qui a baisé Bree pendant plus de 3 heures, d'ailleurs c'est plus Bree qui a baisé le gars. Drew a changé de comportement 2 ou 3 jours après. Je pense qu'il n'a pas supporter l'attitude de salope de Bree avec ce gars. Drew comprend le russe et Bree a beaucoup parler pendant la baise (elle peut-être dit des choses choquantes pour Drew) En tout cas, ce soir Bree est sortie avec une bouteille de vin et en claquant la porte. Alex va avoir du travail s'il veut garder Bree et Drew.
  7. I don't know. It's the 5th day she cry: tonight it is the biggest crisis. Drew reproach something. Breaking point??
  8. Bree, you merit better. I feel you like the most fragile and influenceable person of the site. I don't know how and why you're arrived here, but i think it's not for the fun. The last week seems hard for you. Kiss from France, if you read this message.
  9. Sure, and you have been in the same spirit. I'm waiting for the next time!!!
  10. Ana, Lexy et Pete: Thanks you so much for these 2 magic days. Hot, sweet and true. Bravo...
  11. Bree et Drew have their own problems: 4 days without sex and touch, 3 crying fit (bree), bree have slapped drew one time. I can say why, i dont understand russian!
  12. No center of interest, low libido, no job or schooling (i suppose?), Tara is not my cup of tea. Since she is officially VH participant, relationship between Bree et Drew are very stormy and cold.
  13. Tonight, Matt is the guest: grapes, touch on legg. All others guests in the same situation, have fucked Bree....so
  14. She have the sex in fire. Bree's favorite attack position!
  15. 3some, sure! Three days without cock(s) for Bree, i think it's the best situation for Matt!
  16. Thanks to the russian communauty of this site, for their silence to my request
  17. Business model?? Human nature simply!!
  18. Somebody could tell me the subject of the "animated conversation" yesterday evening (2:30 in bedroom) between Bree and Drew, i don't understand the russian langage, many thanks.
  19. I say about her behavior not personality. Sure, i don't know her and i don't know the others too. I try to understand the participants, not only their ass or boobs (many porn site for that, and gratis) It's my point of view.
  20. I think: No more sex, no BF, no foursome. Tara don't like open sex. For me, she is stupid and without interest.
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