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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Your little Jewel has been loyal and true. She is doing exactly what you wished for but has been exiled to the guestroom. So, yes there's something wrong in Denmark (St. Petersburg).
  2. Okay. So there. I am wrong. That was a stage before I started to follow them.
  3. We have never seen Jane, not once touch another dude. Think about it. If I am wrong about this then I am. But with all the opportunities she has had she (in front of us has never) touched another dick.
  4. And has spoiled him for both Jane and Jewel. I hate to sound cliche' but "there ain't no pussy like some new pussy". Dick gets plenty of it. Jane has allowed it and it's come back to bite her in the heart.
  5. I keep thinking that the trouble between Jane and Dick is his confessing to being with Katia while she was away. Remember, the night she came over while Jane was MIA? He enjoyed it, a lot and told her? That's where he has been when gone? That would produce the tears from Jane and her trying to be cool although hurt because he did so..
  6. No satisfaction, no gratification for the lovely Ms. Jewel. She deserves better treatment from both Jane and Dick in my opinion.
  7. She is there now (Jewel) during the week. We only saw that when they were on vacation, and she left before they returned. Jane was gone for a week, (last week) beyond that, Dick this past weekend. Jewel in the guest room not sleeping with them as has always been the case. Dick and Jane are both moody at times but the chemistry between the 3 has changed dramatically. Did Jewel just leave without saying goodbye to Jane, that little half-hearted embrace in the kitchen? Strange times in this place.. Things have been icy between Dick and Jane since his return late Sunday night. A quick shower for Dick now he's dressed to leave...
  8. Finally off to bed after 2am. She with her back turned to Dick.
  9. Dick cooks dinner then denies Jane the slightest intimacy. She goes directly to the bedroom crying, while he sits and eats. She comes back out to the living room to speak to him. He won't look at her, just stares at his phone. She lays her head on his shoulder...
  10. 5am Jane alone, still awake on her computer. No sign on Dick. Happy Easter.
  11. Their friendship interrupts their intimacy and vice versa. Always been a weird mix between these two.
  12. Jane up, Ms. V is there, Dick did not come home last night and Jewel is gone.
  13. Jane in bath takes a photo of the huge bruise on Dick's right side. Wonder how he got that? Things seem much better between them now....
  14. 09:45 Jane and Dick awake, Jane in the bath, Dick was doing his regular stretching routine, stopped to help her like old times, rinsing her hair while they chatted. A small kiss and a smile from Jane. Now Dick, cleans up in bath separately, Jewel awake and sitting up in bed writing in the guestroom..
  15. This is Jewel. She was wearing a skirt yesterday. She's known as Ms Yellow pants.
  16. This is a post for the late great Cheesy One. (Cheesehead51) We miss you brotha but you are better off. Your last favorite girl Elvira is leaving B4, I remember how you took a shine to her right away and let everyone know that. You didn't get to enjoy her entire stay but I know you would have liked what she and Adelita have become. So for you my friend I will wish Elvira safe travels in your absence. Think of you often. You are missed on CC. Your friend Charlie. Cheers!!
  17. Jewel up and left several hours ago, Jane awake from her slumber and our at 17:00.
  18. Dick abruptly leaves at 11:25AM without saying goodbye to Jane. What did I miss while I was at work yesterday? I saw Dick leave but not his return? He was asleep on sofa next to Jewel and Jane who were watching TV when I checked in on the apartment late last night...so.??
  19. Dick seems to try and console her..she says something to Dick and he immediately stops eating to get dressed to leave and she goes back to the guestroom. Jewel still asleep in their bed.
  20. Dick wakes up goes into bathroom Jane meets him in the doorway he says something to her and gives her a small kiss, she walks away and goes to the half bath.. a few minutes later Jane visible upset and crying in kitchen now talking to Dick while he bathes..now she is still upset and sitting on sofa.
  21. Jane and Jewel went to sleep in bedroom together late leaving Dick on the sofa. When he came to bed Jane into the guestroom.. She (Jane) came home after being gone for a week (excuse the expression) got her Birthday Dick and now this... Tre bizarre..
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