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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. I am, like some, wondering what happened between Dick and Jane. Before she left over a week ago they had what seemed a minor tiff while Jewel was in bed with them. He got dressed left and came back they seemed okay. Then he left out again and when he returned Jane was gone. Jane was away 4 days and she has been back 3 days now, she arrived 3 hours after he left out Wednesday. Late last night Jane was in bed upset and Katia came into console her for a while. Whatever it is I am sure they will work it out.
  2. Moos, Thanks, he looked different now, skinnier, the facial hair. I don't remember him acting out the way he was this time, when he last there, then I saw his Steelers t-shirt and it jogged my memory.
  3. I am not an expert but have been watching for several months. Jane and Dick are the couple who lives here. They have what you could loosely call an open relationship, but Dick is the one who benefits from this. Not that he has slept with all but Jane sets him up with her little "friends". There's another brunette we call Jewel or (yellow pants) because of what she wears. She according to another poster was first here last July. Jewel has had sex with Dick on camera. She comes by to visit once a week or so. Katia (tip toes) is the one who lives in the guest room is the one in the white sweater. She just returned after a week away. Katia has made out but has not had sex with Dick that we know. She has made out with Dick but that's all we have seen over the last 6-8 weeks. Jane was gone for 4 days and got back 3 days ago, Dick was home alone that entire stretch. He has not returned. When Jane return a couple of days ago, she was with the guy who is there now who we call (Slikk) and Jewel who spent the night and left. That should catch you up a little.
  4. Just one of Jane's friends who keeps some of her gear stashed there. She has been gone for a week, she just got back. She stays a few days and then leaves out again.
  5. It seems there is a petite factory nearby all these women Katia, Jewel and this new girl 5 foot 2. 😂
  6. Right. But usually only once per week. I should have finishes my thought.
  7. A friend of Katia it seems or Slikk. Not sure. Time for a drink. Salute. Jewel was there 2 days ago and left.
  8. Katia, enjoying some alone time. Including several minutes in the half bath after stripping down to just her panties. ❤️ Emerged from that to play some music on the stereo. I love to watch her dance like she did in the kitchen. 💟 When she is in the bathroom on cam 6 she often gives us a close up of her face..her eyes are hypnotic, beautiful. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but to me there is something special about this girl.❤️ p.s. Dick needs to come home and get with her. She's waiting.
  9. So che intendi Dick e se ne è andato da 3 giorni. I know you mean Dick and he has been gone for 3 days now.
  10. Katia and Slikk are back. Katia in my favorite sweater dress.❤️ Jane woke up about 10 and got in some yoga then a good bate. Still no sign of Dick It's nearly 1700.
  11. Has the thought of how if that is their (Katia/Jewel) circumstance how they keep a cellphone. Seems a little nuance but Jewel rolls her cigarettes and Katia buys hers and always has them. Is that preference or current status we don't know. I was thinking that when Dick was alone for a couple days that he would reach out to (Katia) or she would come back and it didn't happen especially since he was in the guestroom sniffing her panties and touching himself. He (Dick) left out 1100 on Wednesday Jane came back 3 hours later with Jewel and the dude Katia just left with who we have never seen before. Jane had been gone 4 days where did she go? Dick and Jane have phones he must know she is back. Jane bringing this guy and Jewel back with her is just as strange as Katia leaving out with him this morning. She (Katia) had been gone a week. Dick and Jane have been apart for the better part of a week. She is waking up alone now to start the weekend.
  12. Isn't it "nice" to sit and judge a person you don't know and never met. Your mom's must be proud of you! These are your words. You're being a hypocrite. You don't deserve a response. But your passing judgement on those posting here in CC is the pot calling the kettle black. Use a dictionary and look up the word hypocrite...You see a photo of yourself. If you don't have anything positive to add to the forum leave. You do the same thing here all the time. Starved for a little attention. Who needs a life?
  13. Jane came back with Jewel and this guy last night, Katia came back in the afternoon and Jewel left. Katia preparing to leave again.
  14. This is Jane's second night back after being gone for 4 days, Dick has been gone since before she returned. Katia is back after being gone for a week.
  15. Jane, Katia and Slikk are back and he's still bumming smokes off Katia annoying...Jane laying in her bed.
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