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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Quiet times for Jane and Dick after some time apart. A little normalcy returns to this space.
  2. You have been here a long time so you know what the deal is here. Why do you continue to pile on? It makes little sense, the show thing is baked in. Emily wakes up after being away for a few days, decides in a sober mind to enjoy herself a little bit and it's the worst thing that ever happened in R2? No brilliant wordsmith comments or gifs or photos like you share when you actually like a girl on RLC...just negative comments...wow. Brilliant.
  3. Can you be any more negative? Please we love it when just dog out these girls. Please Thes!!! Can't just appreciate it for what it was. Damn!!
  4. Yes. Before he left out this morning. Nice quiet evening for Jane and Ms. V then dinner with Dick. A somewhat normal night in this apartment it's been a while since we have seen that.
  5. Dick leaves out again. He and Jane seem fine. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Interesting that he did not arrive until all Jane's company was gone though.
  6. Dick returns after being gone for about a week, new haircut and seemingly okay Very happy to see him back.
  7. Jane is on her own. Katia, Slikk and her other female guest are gone. Hopefully, Dick will return tonight.
  8. Jane has not had sex with anyone, she did get in a good bate while alone 2 days ago. It's nice to see her get some rest now.
  9. No sex or sleep. She looks ready to rest now. She and Katia have been up since 15:00 yesterday. When she does crash she will go down hard.
  10. 17:25 Light snow and 14° /-6 C time for some to go home. Jane left with 3 of her guests.
  11. I will leave you with this when confronted with facts you say I am entitled to my opinion. Just for the record in case some are wondering you and I actually get along well. Katia, like Jewel have lives outside this space we watch. The only thing Katia and Jewel have in common is Jane and the fact that they are petite. They are different people. Have you ever seen Jewel party with Jane like Katia does, no. She doesn't fit in here. Better yet, Question, they were in the apartment together with Jane did you see that? They Katia/Jewel do not really know each other. They got along okay but Katia got up after awhile and left the apartment and did not return until just 2 days ago, Jane returned with Jewel and Slikk 4 days ago. Jewel spent the night and left. Did you see that? Katia arrived that afternoon. Now Dick is a no show in the apartment for as long as Jane has been back that is all we know and more and more people keep showing up for this party that seems to have no end in sight.
  12. So you are saying because the girl is likes to look into a mirror she is flaky? Keeps odd hours, meaning comes and goes as she pleases. Her closeness to Jane is different than Jewel and there two totally different people. Katia's closeness with Jane is different. It's real life, are all your friends exactly the same, do you interact with them all the same no. Are you closer to some than others, sure why? Culture, likes, dislikes, length of the relationship are all factors. Whatever they do off camera is just that, off camera, they want to whatever it is with some privacy, if that angers you so them go to Moscow and knock on the door and ask them to stop. And another thing Dick/Jane have been going into that half bath with other friends well before Katia was ever on the scene.
  13. I am of the belief that Dick and Jane will be fine. He has to know she is home. What they have in terms of a relationship is no where near normal but it works for them. Jane does hang with quite the Motley crew though.🙄
  14. In my opinion, It's a self-inflicted wound by Jane because she is generous to a fault.
  15. How do you figure that if Katia is to blame for anything she hasn't been there? What makes Jewel perfect is the fact that she has slept with Dick right? That is ridiculous. Why is Dick not there? Do you remember what happened with Jewel the last time she was in bed with Dick and Jane nearly 2 weeks ago not so perfect ? Katia had nothing to do with that. In fact, she has been gone for 2 out of the last 3 weeks and has spent maybe 8 days out of this last month in the apartment. Because Katia hasn't had sex on camera she is just the worst person? Did you see her lat in bed and comfort Jane yesterday Thes? Oh by the way, the are adults, Dick and Jane have been having these (induced) parties long before Jewel or Katia were ever around. Jane moved her into the apartment and if there was an issue she could ask her to leave. Come on now Thes your better than that, to blame the current circumstances on Katia.
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