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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. It's so wonderful to see her and Dick together..tease or not they have fun!! I love this girl! I'm at work and had a feeling she would be back this weekend...Damn a sight for sore eyes.. Dick is really happy too...
  2. Made the bed, the three of them lay in it for a minute then Jane and Dick then start cleaning the apartment?
  3. Did Jewel and Dick have sex or did Jewel go to sleep separately in the guestroom again like her last visit?
  4. Beautiful and thank you my friend. Remember I will always be here until I'm not. That's the best I can do so talk to me any time you want. In a nutshell, that's who Cheesy was. I will truly miss him.
  5. Cheesy was a pleasure to read and to meet through this forum. I wrote to him via PM and had the chance to meet the man behind the pen. He was really a special breed. Thanks for the great memories my Cheeseheaded friend you will be missed. Thoughtful, kind and an honorable man, thank you seems so inadequate. Prayers for your friends and family and those in the forum who took the time to get to know you. Rest now..my friend. Rest.. Your friend.. Charlie
  6. Slikk and his girl visting, she likes Dick. (insert laughter here) 😂
  7. Jane and Jewel have arrived Slikk is on the sofa asleep. 22:00
  8. Dick and Jane home late last night and up early this morning packed their backpacks like they may be gone for a couple days and left out at 0:845 am.
  9. What a quiet place this is for an entire week now. No Jewel, Katia just a visit by Ms. V. and a couple of drop ins by Slikk. Katia has been gone for a week and that we know of has not seen Dick since mid January. Jewel we last saw for one night when Jane returned 10 days ago or so. Maybe that will change soon it is the weekend.
  10. Yes. And she was talking to herself and listening to mellower than usual music too.
  11. How many trips are they going to make into the half bath? 5 so far? Party inducement...hmm.
  12. Dick and Jane came home cleaned up quick, change of clothes and out again @ 22:20
  13. Katia and Slikk are gone. Maybe they will return later. Jane and Dick still out.
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