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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Katia and Jane leave with DJ No Beats...probably a cigarette/booze run... 20:45
  2. Molly effects everyone differently. Or should I say, everyone experiences Molly differently. 3 hours in now.
  3. Absolutely. This dude has NO rhythm. Cannot dance at all, but he is feeling it. All he needs are a few gold chains.. Damn...
  4. Rebliz you may be right. I think he will come home late around 2300 like usual and all will be okay. He does not seem the kinda of guy to hold onto anger or being upset for more than just in the moment. This party is (induced) just add water, Jane is like this when she is wide awake, very intense. Katia being back after a week away is nice. She loves to dance, seems so free when she does, not the greatest but enjoyable to watch.
  5. Watching Jane on the sofa..I wonder if Dick will come home tonite,he hasn't see Jane in 4 Days, Katia in 6.
  6. This reminds me of the time Jane and Katia stayed up about 36 hours. In and out of the half bath...bouncing off the walls...hmm. Drink plenty of fluids....
  7. I think Molly has joined in. I saw Katia hand our male guest DJ something earlier now the hyperactive response by all , it's a quiet afternoon affair.. for you kids watching at home just say no. 😁
  8. I told you the new monitors that Dick bought are female friendly. Katia on her tip toes and dancing...
  9. Jane, Katia and her(Jane's) male guest are back without Jewel.
  10. Jane came out of the bedroom asked him to turn off the music or at least use his ear buds. Jewel has prepared a little food.
  11. He has Dick's stereo cranked so loud you can hear it in the bedroom. Jane and Jewel want to rest more but not with this music...blaring as is. Jewel changed out of Jane's leggings, into her yellow pants just to go lay back down on the sofa..must be cold.
  12. 12 noon, Dick has not come home, Jewel asleep on sofa, Jane in her bed, guest awake and on his phone laying on the floor..weird dude.
  13. Yes. Jewel was laying on top of the guy when Jane came out. This guy could be a gritter version of Dick. Same build just rough around the edges...
  14. Jewel left Jane in the bed to lay with our stranger on the sofa. It's her guy, she was trying to return the favor to Jane for sharing Dick? Nearly 06:00 Dick still not home after leaving @1100 yesterday morning.
  15. That was kinda my point earlier but I was trying to be nice.
  16. Good to see Jane back Jewel too. I have never seen this guy.
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