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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Mila ignoring Oksi. Laima is animated engaged and ready to party. Btw, watched her get dressed bra and NO panties..Mila is thinking why did she switch seats...Oksi now hovering again.
  2. Elvira wants to be with Mila but wants to avoid the drama with Oksi. Girls don't forget a kiss, remember that Mila came to her room and kissed her that first night she returned. Someone here said Mila was in charge. All it took was another interruption from Oksi to end her being with Elvira. Does she say something to her verbally? No. But she turned her back on her. Oksi just kept talking about her new phone and the rest is history. Mila goes to her room alone while the newest Bea and others have get to know you drinks.
  3. Oksi gets what she wants. But Mila is not happy about it. If you aren't going to be with me you won't have any fun without me. Smokin a cigarette with Elvira, thinking if you are here you can't be with Mila.
  4. I know Elvira has her banana close by and ready for action.😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
  5. It's my fault, I spoke Oksi's return into existence, I apologize. Did they really send her away?
  6. But she is so good at it. She is exactly where she wants to be. In the bed.
  7. Let's see if she actually unpacks it see never did while at B4.
  8. Well we know Sera left with them but is not going back to B4 with them. She hasn't visted B3 in 2 days.
  9. Cheesehead51 : Mila is a happy girl most of the time. She likes almost everyone. She likes to have fun. She hasn't got a mean bone in her body. She had a rough time in B4 last time around but she's bounced back. I forget the girls name who ripped into Mila at one of the parties there. Afterward, I think Adri was the only one who would speak to her. She spent most of her time in her room, until she started to go over to B2. When you live in close quarters like these apts it's hard to avoid some conflict. She did make it through because she found an escape route.
  10. Sera treats others as disposable and does so consciously. She will give you the robe off her back, but only because it serves her purpose, not to be kind. Daisy is in for a big surprise.
  11. Witnessing how Sera has treated Amira and Karina don't these others know she will treat them the same?
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