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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Sera, bating like that is a one off. Save the tape, download it, rewind it play it back, again and again. Enjoy it. Don't think we will see this from her again. Probably one of the two times per year she touches herself. We just happened to see it.
  2. Now Jane's little friend (Katia) is gone. She probably won't be back for a while. The long embrace of Jane in the kitchen and Dick lingered in the hall way with her before she departed. She is very much gypsy like in that way. A Bill Withers classic comes to mind.. "Ain't No Sunshine when she's Gone" Happy New Year!!
  3. Sera at home alone. No guests. Not visting other apts. She must not be feeling well.😞😞
  4. Dick just left with Jane's little friend, that has never happened before. Jane stays home.
  5. Maybe headed to B3 Frank and Jenn with a male guest and party stuff on the kitchen table.
  6. Sera the den mother stuck her head inside Karina's door and spoke, probably asking about Daisy.
  7. So you want them to cater to your foot fetish..that's it, that's all you care about? You have mentioned it 3 times now we get it Mike.
  8. Sera home after Karina, no words for her (.dead silence) , Karina went upstairs. How shitty!!
  9. I gave her the name Lola or Katia because of the way she dances on her toes..I like Katia.
  10. Jane's little friend has returned. Dick and Jane are out.
  11. Sera and Daisy probably headed to B3 Frank and Jenn have a male visitor and are preparing for more company.
  12. You are partially correct. Oksi, mistakes having sex with some girl for love, which is built on trust, honesty and respect. Since she does not have that type of relationship with herself she just moves on to the next one in search of the affection you speak of. You know they are to different things. Is she capable of being affectionate, yes we have seen that. But intimacy is connected to love, which is bourne out over time. Putting your fingers in someone you just me 3 hours ago is a sexual act. She's good at that. She as done it over and over, we saw it with Mila on her first night and now with Bea. Does that make her a bad person, who are we to judge ? I think she wants love and to be loved, but until she learns to love herself, she will never find it. Especially, doing the things she has been. The most important relationship you can have can have is the one with yourself, she has yet to learn that.
  13. Sera awake and on her phone, Karina is up too, doing laundry, walked past Sera on the sofa. No conversation, Karina passed her several times on her way to the balcony too. Sera is a trip.
  14. Oksi and Bea picking up where they left off. Mila and Elvira alone in their rooms. Laima scrubbing her parts and preparing for whatever the afternoon brings.
  15. So after that wild night, maybe Bea can finish unpacking and get settled in.🤣🤔😅😁🤣
  16. Mila loves woman. She likes the seconds of pleasure she can share with a woman. She is passive, aggressive but sincere in that quest. She loves to dress up in her sexy lingere too. Last night was the softer, sensual sexy Mila that many have come to know. It's just a pleasure to see it. Elvira is perfect for her.
  17. I don't think Laima is naive at all, I think she was just the odd girl out last night. Oksi knew she wasn't going to be with Mila because of Elvira so that left her by herself. She is silly in ways but not dumb, her time will (come) probably with Mila, Bea or Elvira but definitely no Oksi for as well as they get along.
  18. V is back from her holiday with Masha, Sasha and Dasha, she is visting with her BF. They usually spend the night but not this time. Took some photos has a drink and a good time.
  19. DMac I know why you know she is wearing panties. This silly little girl has quite the caboose on her.
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