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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. When I first saw Katia in this apt as a guest I wondered what the attraction was for Jane. Someone who appeals to her in a way different from V or Ms. Yellow Pants. We saw the real girl the day she and Jane cleaned the entire apt together. And the evening of the sexy photo shoot which we thought would turn into something more. That is who these two are together. You would never see that with the other girl, Katia borrows Jane's clothes. Think about it. Her relationship with Ms. Yellow Pants is totally different from that.
  2. Ms. Yellow pants backpack is in the hallway she is coming back.
  3. Yes. V and her man came over last night. They don't show up unannounced even as close as V and Jane are. If you check the calender Ms yellow pants comes to visit every other weekend. She was last there New Year's Eve. Think about it.
  4. Fake: Always pretending to be someone you are not. Fake: Putting up a false impressions. Fake: Always strutting and trying to be important. Fake: Tons of make up to hide the real you. Fake: Leading andmisleading the situation to your advantage by actions that are not true.  Thes. You are familiar with Napoleon's disease? Or short man's plight. It affects women too. That's Katia. It's not fake or and act it's who she is. I have known plenty of women who at petite who act this way, but are giants as people overall. IMO you are basing this judgement purely on the fact that you have seen MsYellow pants go father with Dick than Katia. Is there no pretense with Me. Yellow pants. Yes. But that does not mean that Katia's just putting on some type of act.
  5. In the nearly 3 months that they have known Ms. Yellow Pants and the 5 weeks since Katia moved in this is the first time they have met. Dick has some juggling to do for his affection. Maybe Jane has allowed this meeting to occur. All other visits by Ms. Yellow Pants, Katia has not been there. Alcohol will cut through the unfamiliarity between the two petites.
  6. Dick and Jane yellow pants going on a booze run, out of Yager.
  7. I would not characterize one as fake, a little more self-aware, yes. She likes to dress up, play the part. The other just takes it as it comes. Katia will not be with Dick tonight as much as we might want that, yellow pants will sleep with Dick and Jane tonight. Jane and Yellow pants in the half bath. You can see the affection that I mentioned earlier between Katia and Dick.
  8. She would not. Two totally different styles of women. Katia and Jane wear heels, comfortable shoes are the norm for the other.
  9. I know Jane enjoys these ladies but there is a part of her that sees Katia as competition for Dick's affection and Ms Yellow pants as someone he can play with. Right now the looks from Katie and her and Dick are worth the price of admission.
  10. How Dick is between Katia (tip toes) and Yellow pants will be what matters here. They do not know (ladies) each other and have a different connection to Jane and especially Dick. Katia a little closer because they allowed her to move in, although they met yellow pants first.
  11. This is an interesting development. Dick must feel like a king. Katia, Jane and as she is known here Ms Yellow pants who is in her maroon pants tonight. I don't want to jinx it.
  12. Dick and Jane are the residents of this apartment. They are hosting this girl as their guest. She is under no obligation to do anything. They are all adults and make their own decisions, including honoring her choices. I am not angry about this. There is a somewhat of a courtship going on here (Dick/Katia), that continues to be interrupted by Jane on occasion, that if anything is the most frustrating part. It's been six weeks now, and we see how close they've grown. And so we wait.
  13. I am not sad for Oksi's leaving, I just hope she seeks some counseling for her destructive behavior. But that would take some kinda of self-awareness that is truly lacking.
  14. Jane with a massage for her Little friend..in bedroom...will she pull out her vibe and touch her for real?
  15. Thes you may be right, but they are two completely different people. You saw her( yellow pants) with Dick on News Year's morning, he came home at 0:400 and visited with guests laid with her in bed, tried to have sex with her but could not. She couldn't accommodate him, no lube, too nervous, etc.. Jane had to finish what she started. It's the cameras that are the hold up for the one who tip toes around. That's why I asked after the half bath episode this morning, Dick went into the bathroom after, to clean up before going to take care of Jane. Did he wash himself or just brush his teeth ?She went straight to bed after sitting in the bed with Dick and Jane for a minute.
  16. Little Katia is sound asleep in the guestroom and Dick is now servicing Jane. We do not know what happened in the half bath. Did he just wash his hands and brush his teeth in the bathroom just now or clean his parts? That's the tell-tale sign.
  17. Dick goes to work at 13:30, Jane's little friend leaves out at 15:30.
  18. But now look at Jane's move to lay on Dick's side. Like claiming her guy. I think we are back to square one unless Jane goes to bed alone, which she is known to do.
  19. Katia, she is all over Dick, but different, more urgency.. Jane is horny, you saw her pull out his cock and start to suck it before she took her bath, leaving him hard with little one came back into the LR.
  20. A live in little friend of Jane's, I affectionately call Katia/Lola (petite dancer) always on her tip toes. She moved in about 3 weeks ago. She and Dick have been getting closer every time we see them together. She left of New Year's Eve and they've been out for about 3 days. So, they have not seen each other. Some call her Little or Chastity but I prefer Katia. They have, to our knowledge not had sex yet.
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