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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. This is BULLSHIT. Like other people, the police may only kill in self-defense. Even if someone is not cooperative, that is no reason to kill him. It should not be the case that citizens must prepare themselves for their encounter with the police. It should be the police, who are trained in de-escalation and act independently of the skin color. Show me the training in which a policeman gets trained to shoot somebody in the back.
  2. I don't think Gina has a conflict with any of the girls in B1. I'm not sure about Irma and Milena, but to be honest I don't watch Irma at all and think that she should finally leave the project for good. Concerning Milena I have to say that she just doesn't fit into the setting of GOV. She is clearly at the age for a permanent relationship, more grown up like parties with some long time friends. The few days with her BF in B4 were worth more than the rest of her stay in the project over all her visits. Just like Irma, there would be no loss not to have her in the project. Anyway, The cast in B1 shows how poor RLC is in bringing the right people together. Gina needs some girls at her age and this apartment could come alive. A few girls who want to have fun and enjoy life.
  3. There was never a sexual attraction between Leora and Malia and there never will be. All these incidents in this apartment were pseudo lesbian shows. A scam, as you express it. What I find particularly unfortunate is that this appartment has become a workplace rather than a place to live. It could have been really fun, two friends together in a shared appartment in a new place, go out party together, find new people, also some guys, maybe have a party in the apartment at some point, just have a real life in a new city on cam. Instead, the shared flat is now more like a division of work. One girl gives a show while the other girl is somewhere else enjoying her time off. The appartment is not a place to live but the workplace. Everything appears false and artificial, not lived but faked. That Malia doesn't even masturbate for real is just another slap in the face of the paying customer. She's not even honest enough to really go through with the show, basicaly she's faking a show. RLC can't fall any lower.
  4. It was not always so and it must not have to be that way now. In russia there were a lot of really interesting people who really lived in the appartments. Anyway, this thread is almost only repetition. Some here copy&paste from the morning to the night always the same praises of the girls.
  5. The whole thing is a show for the camera and has nothing to do with their real life.
  6. Everything that happens in this appartment is like a 24/7 cam show. Do you remember how Leora used to walk from room to room in the beginning to do her shows? That was not very realistic. Then with Malia, all that pseudo lesbian shit. Not at all realistic. Malina herself is not really made for the work. Whenever Leora is not present, she just pretends to do something. The whole thing is just ridiculous. After all, both girls are not ready to actualy life at this place for real. It is a pity, especially for the many fans here, but it is the fact.
  7. Milena has been visiting the vecation appartments every now and then for half an eternity now and is so boring that you might think she is a nun. It was only when her BF came to visit that she dropped the facade and finally joined in to the idea of the project. Not perfect, but still a first step. Malia has unfortunately learned from Leora how to fool her fans. It is really sad to see this. I think this flat is lost. There will be more and more fake bullshit from week to week. No chance for real emotions. No change for real life.
  8. This is all Leora bad influence. They have been training this kind of bullshit show for weeks, so that Leora doesn't have to be there all the time and can have a little life. For RLC this shit means once again a place where there is no life to be seen. Bullshit in RLC, REAL LIFE somewere else.
  9. Malia is so fake. Over hours always this fake masturbation shit. One can only hope that RLC will close this apartment.
  10. Let the girls go out as much and as long as they want. There' s no difference anyway. 😅 I am curious if maybe one of the girls is fair enough to bring one of her acquaintances to the apartment.
  11. Technically speaking, a contract can still exist without her being listed. RLC had, especially earlier in the Russian apartments, occasionally guests who had sex in one of the apartments. The probability is high that they were also paid for it, although they were never listed.
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