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Everything posted by sturmchaser

  1. While I normally agree, enjoy, and respect your posts and opinions here, I do take exception to this. I'm not sure what you watched, but from what I watched, this was absolutely NOT any kind of "theatrical performance." This was reality, brutal reality, so much so that it disturbed enough viewers who thought the cams should go UM during it, because this was TOO personal. Everything was falling apart before our eyes, and it was because of outside influences none of us understand. Plus the fact that someone says 'oh, no one is sick' when Nina is very clearly battling a vicious cold, between her coughing and sneezing and nasal voice, and sure to pass it on to Kira. The past 48 hours have NOT been any kind of "theatrical performance." It was REAL life that nearly disintegrated, and REAL love that saved it, before those of us who beared witness.
  2. All I have to and can say at this point is that this has been a truly bizarre 48 hours. I am more confused now than ever. 🀨
  3. I swear to God, I truly believe some of you would happily piss all over an 8 year old autistic paraplegic cancer patient's birthday party in the hospital. What the hell is WRONG with some of you people?
  4. That was beautiful. But I am more confused now than ever. 🀨 But I absolutely love both of their "JBF" hair! 🀩 Bravo!
  5. Jesus H Christ do NOT TURN OFF THE CAMERAS NOW!! WOW!! Never saw THIS coming!! 😈
  6. This was a bad one. I mean, really bad. I have never seen nor heard Nina cry, whimper, argue, beg, and plead so much before, nor have I ever witnessed Kira be so stone-cold, impassive, and at times even combative toward Nina before. Kira was clearly devastated and Nina was clearly at fault over something. I could not make out much of the argument, but I did hear the word "pravda" being used quite a bit on both sides. And we all know pravda means "truth". Either some kind of truth was revealed, or a lie was discovered and truth was demanded. Either way, everything appeared to be on the verge of collapse, literally. Some say Kira had alcohol, and indeed she had a beer at the kitchen table and Nina kept trying to take it away, but cell phones were also involved, picking up, slamming down, etc, and she was acting like a totally different Kira by actually arguing with Nina, and she really really wanted to get out, but I think Nina literally wrapped herself around Kira's legs to prevent her from leaving. I'm sure I will get flak for this, but I have a very good feeling that Doe is the source of this. I'm not sure in what capacity, but Doe is definitely involved somehow. As someone mentioned, a truce seems to have been reached. Detente, if you will. Kira clearly still has a lot on her mind. She may smile or laugh a little, but she is clearly still not herself. Nina is continuing to do some serious ass-kissing. She didn't eat any of her dinner. Even watching from where I am, it is very, very uncomfortable. It's going to be a long night. 😟
  7. Hmmm... at the risk of 'being lost in translation' again, I must disagree. I'm not sure that N&K would be what N&K are today without Doe. There is not the Nina we know now without Doe. There is not the Kira we know now without Doe. Doe is that very important part of the brain in the middle that binds the left and the right hemispheres of the brain together and makes them work in harmony. Inevitably there are quarrels, of course. Indeed, are there not quarrels within our OWN brains and selves when we struggle with decisions? Just like you said, 'she is too practical.' Doe is very practical. Very precise. And that is exactly the magic element that Doe brings to the Three Musketeers. πŸ™‚
  8. HAHAHA actually, I think Nina simply re-constructed after de-constructing. She paid attention. These women aren't stupid.
  9. On this, we all have always agreed! πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘© And many, many times, a magic trio! πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ Without Doe, many things would not be. 😘
  10. Ahhhhhh - sorry! Lost in translation! LOL And yes, you are right. Come to think of it, I need some help at my homestead as well. My office and desk are in complete disarray, so I could definitely use Doe's incredible file cabinet organization skills! 🀩
  11. Well, that is very very gracious of you! HOWEVER, I do believe I would be a MUCH better suited candidate to assist in renovating their apt. I'm not just a mere truck driver, but I have remodeled my basement, built a large barn, in which I have a couple tons of professional grade power tools. I can do plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and painting. AND I would do these renovations for the low low price of ZERO rubles. All I require is a place to sleep, like a pull-out couch with a shark pillow. Of course, as bad a shape as the apartment is in, this work would take weeks and weeks, probably months and months, before completed. 😁
  12. I am truly digging this exciting and refreshing switch-a-roo! Nina is working feverishly on the cat tree (and doing a fantastic job), and KIRA is relaxing on the couch, eating bon bons! GURL POWER! πŸ‘­
  13. Oh my, isn't that cute, Kira and Doe are both busy doing some major work in/on the kitchen. Doe has shit spread out everywhere on the kitchen floor! I guess in Russia they have a "Winter Cleaning" time much like a "Spring Cleaning." Funny how they are doing this right after I thought, "now that the bedroom was done, they need to work on that disaster of a kitchen next." It's like they read my mind! Or.... Are they reading the forums??? 😲
  14. You are absolutely correct! I would have never imagined Nina would be able to install new carpet, particularly with crude tools and a questionable fastening method, and I'm not quite sure how long it will stay secured to the floor, yet she did it anyway, and through determination and their undeniably effective teamwork, they got it done. Impressive. The person who says "I can't do that" and the person who says "I can do that" - they are BOTH right, because you do what you say. As when Luke Skywalker says to Master Yoda, "I don't believe it!" and Master Yoda replies, "That... is why you fail."
  15. Haha, ehhh, I'm sure that was meant as tongue-in-cheek, I get it. But to be fair, consider this observation which I have long pondered: notice how RLC always lists the "couples" with the female name first and the male name second, i.e. 'Leora and Paul' 'Eva and Sam' 'Nelly and Bogdan' etc etc, and Nina and Kira are listed as... well, 'Nina and Kira.' Sooo... by that formula, Nina is supposedly the 'female' figure and Kira is supposedly the 'male' figure. I'm not sure I totally agree with that line of supposition, based on what I have witnessed for nearly 2 years - I believe both can play equal parts, depending on the circumstances. Plus they are the only true real dyed-in-the-wool lesbian couple on RLC, so there is no benchmark to compare. Granted, 90% of the time Nina is the dominant member of the household, which, from my experience, women do run the show in the domestic realm, and husbands play a minor, yet important, role. Yet Kira is the one who ultimately cooks dinner, cleans the house, does the laundry, tends to the cats, picks up after Nina, etc etc. Every once in awhile, Kira will play the dominant role (particularly in the bedroom). In fact, I truly believe N&K do not fall into any kind of stereotype, at least not from an American's skewed viewpoint. And to take this thought a step further, I don't see any reason why a female/male wife/husband stereotype needs to be applied to any couple these days. That ideology is too 1950s, and dead and gone. What say you, my fellow deep thinkers? πŸ™‚
  16. Oh my, where to begin here! So much to digest! But let me first say that I now know a fear that Nina has. About three minutes ago @02:25 she screamed out like a little girl for Kira. Kira poked her head in and Nina pointed to something miniscule on the carpet - a SPIDER! Kira had to come in and smush it and vacuum it up. LOLOL Isn't that just adorable. Big fearless Nina is afraid of a lil spider, and her girl swoops in to save her from the dreaded beast. I will address the events preceding that moment later. Chow for now.
  17. I would lick whatever I needed to lick if it meant getting a chance to curl up next to my girl in bed every night πŸ˜›
  18. One thing is for certain - in my next life, I want to come back as one of their cats. Those cats get an incredible amount of love, affection, and attention. I'm jealous of cats! 🐈 🐈
  19. Ahhh, never mind - el Gato #2 has been spotted! Obviously he was squirreled away somewhere in a good hiding spot. And now it looks like it's hookah time again. 🀨
  20. Domestic bliss tonight among our three musketeers. Dinner of protein and fried potatoes (and Heinz ketchup!). However there seems to be a missing cat. I see Sundance but I do not see Butch anywhere, unless he is squirreled away in the new portable wardrobe in the bathroom. Nina was playing the piano earlier and it was quite beautiful. LOL annnnnd, in the span of time it took my to type the above, Nina is already done with her plate. It amazes me how she just shovels it in by the forkful, while Kira and Doe take small, dainty bites. I wonder if Nina grew up in a household with lots of brothers and sisters and there was competition at the dinner table for food so she had to learn to eat quickly LOL.
  21. UPDATE: they all played a board game on the sofa, altho I have no idea what kind, but apparently it was team-based, N&K as a team vs Doe and new girl as a team. It looked like Doe and new girl won, but Nina really wasn't into playing the game anyway, she looked quite bored. Now it's 0415 Pete time, Doe and new girl (haven't nicknamed her yet) are on the sofa-bed, and Doe is talking her ear off. I think new girl just wants to sleep, but Doe is worked up and quite animated. Maybe it was espresso in those little shot glasses they had earlier LOL. I doubt she will sleep well tonight - er, morning. If only I could hear what she was saying! But audio SUCKS in that apt. N&K are both fast asleep in the bedroom with Butch. I doubt Doe and new girl are an item, otherwise they would be cuddling, so just put that out of your minds, you pervs LOL. Can't wait to see what the morning - er, afternoon, holds. New girl is kinda cute, gap-tooth, definitely les, but cute nonetheless, and has a near-full sleeve of tatts on her arm - left? - I think. I like her short haircut. I won't bother blessing her with a nickname until I see her appear again. Obviously Doe has no problem sharing a sofa-bed with others. Kira's brother, then Natalya, and now this new girl. Hmmmm, if I took a bushcraft journey to St. Pete, do you think I could stay at the N&K Hostel on the sofa-bed with Doe? Non-puritanical, of course 😁 πŸ˜› 😈
  22. Ooookay, now it gets even weirder! When new girl left, apparently she left to retrieve Doe - who returned to the apt. Kira poured Doe a drink - strange looking drink - and reheated some pizza in the microwave for Doe. Nina and Doe sitting on opposites corners of the couch with new girl in between, but they are having a civilized talk. Where oh where will this night lead... 😳
  23. Trouble in Paradise again. πŸ˜’ N&K&Doe and a new girl arrived home about 0030, and it was immediately evident Nina and Doe were at it again. Doe said something that made Nina fly into a rage and for the first time I've ever seen any of them get physical - Nina SHOVED Doe in the hallway. Kira immediately jumped into the middle of the two, otherwise I think there might have been a full-on cat fight. Doe stormed out of the apt, Nina chasing her till Kira intervened again. The new girl just sat on the couch. Pizza/sushi was delivered and everybody chowed, but I think new girl hit the road soon after. Ugh! Only two days back from vacay, and Nina has to get in a row with Doe. What IS it with those two??? πŸ˜‘
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