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Everything posted by sturmchaser

  1. Indeed, development. But Kira does not prefer penetration. Hence no strap-on. A seasoned vet should know this. Kira's magic place is outside her lips, not inside, which is why she gets hers by rubbing against Nina while she's giving Nina TITPONTS. Some people think Kira doesn't get satisfaction, but if you pay attention, she actually does, and sometimes they gasm at the same time. I have been with a few women who preferred rubbing and at the most a good tonguing, vice penetration. I can only imagine that it is because Kira's beautiful pussy is extremely small and tight. I doubt a penis has ever been near it. 🙂
  2. Agree. But they are also intelligent, talented, gorgeous, fun, serious, driven, gorgeous, artistic, accomplished, gorgeous, caring, affectionate, cultivated, gorgeous, compassionate, introspective, and strong. Did I mention gorgeous. 😊 Kira getting some much needed action tonight clearly makes her a hungry girl! It is 0400 in Pete right now, and she just consumed an entire chocolate sweet cake while watching/not really watching TV on the couch. This is a GOOD thing! She may not "look" happy right now, but judging from her posture, she is quite satisfied and content. Well done Nina, well done. I have newfound respect for you. Is there any wonder why this apartment consistently ranks among member/viewer favorites?
  3. Two nights in a row! This is unprecedented! I guess that donation I made to the Salvation Army bucket today is paying off! This time Nina initiated the action, they were wrestling around on the bed like teenagers, lots of ass spanking. I really think Nina wanted to give Kira a good workover tonight like she got last night, but Kira eventually took charge, as always, and Nina becomes putty in her hands. It's interesting, Nina is the Boss outside of the bedroom, but Kira becomes Boss in the bedroom. Fascinating! And yet another body-convulsing end. I think this one tonight was even more powerful than the two last night. Absolutely fantastic!
  4. LOL we may rant and rave at how lazy Nina is at home 98% of the time, but when she goes into 'cleaning mode', she really goes all-out! It's like she flips an internal switch or something. She and Kira had that closet re-arranged and re-organized in just a couple of hours, including her playing nursemaid to Kira when she injured her finger. That's excellent TEAMWORK ladies! 👭
  5. The "new" couple were there for at least 3+ hours. Much tea consumed - no alcohol. Then pizza and sushi (a combination I'll NEVER understand) and chocolate cake for dessert, much more chat and playing fetch with Butch (Sundance was hiding I think). Nina, of course, as expected, held center court nearly the whole time. I'm not sure if Nina ever took a breath in between flapping her lips. The guests left around 2330, and Kira cleaned up the dishes (as usual). It is now 0315 and finally getting to bed. The blonde guest has been to the apt several times in the past, and I've also seen the black haired girl there once or twice before as well, but just not together. Me likes to think that perhaps N&K played matchmaker between the two? If so, well done, both of them are cute in their own way, and they seemed really lovey-dovey with each other all night. Good job, N&K 😊
  6. Don't really care what Nina does to her hair, just leave Kira's hair alone! Hers is absolutely perfect right now.
  7. On the plus side, at least Nina is removing those godawful blue strings from Kira's hair tonight. I hope they stay out for awhile.
  8. Now that I have had time to sleep on it and ponder it further today, I have reached a conclusion. Given that Kira and N & D were eating those nasty sodium-laden instant Ramen noodle bowls for dinner tonight, AND given what @likidamber pointed out about the scotch/OJ, of which Kira had several during the night in question, possibly on an empty stomach, I choose to change my determination that Kira does NOT have the flu or a flu-like illness. I also apologize to @Thomazz. Anyone who has had the flu would most certainly not eat something as revolting as a Ramen noodle bowl less than 24 hours later. Can you imagine THAT garbage coming back up? Bleh. I certainly wouldn't risk it. And I failed (or chose not) to take into consideration the amount of alcohol she was having, which she was indeed consuming at least two of them, perhaps more. So, while there is no question Kira retched her guts out last night, it was most likely due to the alcohol consumption and nothing more. *Sigh* I really thought she had a higher tolerance level than that. 😶
  9. Interesting analysis. Yes Kira was chatting and laughing with someone on the phone, in the closet, also in the secret shower, as I mentioned. But with all due respect, did you/could you not also hear, in between that, the unmistakable sound of vomiting into the toilet, the spitting into the bowl, and see her brush her teeth four times after each wretch on cams 5 & 6?? Surely you could not miss that. Kira is definitely definitely ill. Food poisoning, flu, some sickness. Unless this is some binging/purging thing she has begun, which I highly doubt. I think you may be looking for infidelity where there is none.
  10. Yes sir, I'm smart enough to know that. I was joking as well. But you do afford me the chance to expound further on my favorite ladies, so I appreciate it! And you know I can be a bit verbose at times, even though I'm just a dumb trucker. Also, I love to rile up the forum non-chatters who love to hate those of us who "speculate" about stuff in the chatbox. Heh. I think I have achieved that tonight. Altho my speculations on Kira tonight are based on facts. I am watching Maya right now, being busy in her kitchen making tea, and Jody is there. Jody is such a worthless dooshbag, but a lovable worthless dooshbag, much better than Stepan. Jody makes Maya happy, especially when she sits on his face. And that's the Meaning of Life right there. Love her or hate her, Maya will always have a special place in my hearts.
  11. You DO enjoy antagonizing me, don't you Mr. Austin sir? Zall good. Much like Homer, I get it. I get jokes. There was a brief, very brief moment, where morning sickness DID cross my mind. Kira and Nina are betrothed, and it would seem normal for betrothed to want to have children like a normal married couple (gahhh, did I just offend all gays by saying "normal"?). Happens all the time here in the US. BUT there is uno problemo with your theory of N&K having children, Mister MAN. First of all, Kira would need to have glorious intercourse with ME in order to get pregnatated. Alas, that has not happened - YET. And even if Kira was the pregnant one, it would seriously fuck up the whole band thing. Nina is NOT about to jeopardize the band in any way shape or form, even if it is a baby. And even though Kira is clearly, obviously, a motherly nurturing type, I don't think she would screw up Nina's plans of rock-n-roll stardom. Besides, her baby is Nina. And I won't even begin to factor in Doe Eyes and the brilliant masterful chaos she could bring. So... cute theory, but no. I'm going with Russian flu. I hope she recovers quickly!
  12. I did not witness them arguing at all. Maybe I missed something? In other bad news, Kira was very very ill tonight, vomiting in the toilet at least four times over an hour and a half. She seemed fine after Nina left for the night. She played the guitar and then her drums, and then I had to step away for a bit, so not sure what she did for awhile, but when I come back, I can clearly hear the telltale sounds of vomiting into a toilet. Then three times again every 15-20 mins or so. She was shaky and wobbly, too. In between retching, she was chatting with someone on the phone, attempting to hide in the bedroom closet (however I could still hear quite clearly). She finally went to bed 0215 Pete time. I am absolutely worried sick about her. ☹️ I guess it must be Flu season in Russia, too. 🤢
  13. They keep hours like a trucker. It is now 0500 St Pete time (2200 my time), Kira is doing laundry, stunningly near-naked except for a beautiful miniscule black cooter cover. I can't tell if she's packing or unpacking the luggage splayed out on the LR floor. The camera cases are out so I assume it is for another trip they are taking. Which means my baby girl will be gone again for some time. 😢 I hope one of them eats that banana on the printer tray before it rots and seeps into the printer. That would not be... 'a-peeling'. Personally, that banana has reached beyond consumption stage, I prefer them slightly green or yellow. Spots are dead bananas LOL. It IS refreshing, but there is a big difference. A year ago we would watch Nina on the couch staring at her phone for hours on end, in a trance, sucking on her Juul, complete silence, except for maybe a Russian soap opera playing on the tv. Many times I thought the audio feed from the cams was faulty. No, it wasn't. A year later, we watch Kira cranking AWESOME music - Linkin Park, death metal, ethereal, new age, soul, jazz (tonight it was SRV blues - outstanding!), and she is ACTIVE doing stuff, always in motion, occasionally sitting down at the table to check the laptop but never for long. Total opposites. Amazing. Is there any wonder why my favorite is my favorite?
  14. Back in the good old days. I miss them. PS - we still use CB. Morse is also a valuable skill to learn. Jus sayin.
  15. You, sir, are the ultimate diplomat, perfectly suited for an admin. I didn't mean to infer that they should be home in their crappy apartment solely for my entertainment. I am merely expressing concern for their well-being. Is that okay? I seriously doubt Nina allows any 'leashes' to be put on her anyway. If anything like that were to surface, she would immediately stomp on it and we would never see N&K again.
  16. That was last night. No goulish makeup tonight. Unless Nina was the entertainment, Kira the DJ, and Doe just being... lovely Doe. ❤️
  17. 0600 StP time, no sign of them home. I am worried. 😕
  18. Thanks, Happy. It was time for a new general thread. 0400 StP time, our Three Musketeers are finally home from the Halloween party. Taking off the goulish makeup and such. Doe is in her pjs, so I think we have a sleepover tonight. Whatever the cat fight between Nina and Doe was earlier, seems to be a non-issue now. Thank goodness.
  19. Lovely Doe was present tonight before and after they all went out. Not sure what the white was all about - probably a band photo shoot? Nonetheless, Doe looking very sexy in her all-black Hg gear, plus playing second mother to Nina by ironing her clothes for her. It honestly takes a village to maintain Nina. If anything, God forbid, ever happened to Kira or Doe, I think Nina would just wither. I hate to be so harsh on Nina, but, it's what I sees.
  20. Happy early Birthday my gorgeous baby girl! 😘 Very nice present! You always wanted one! I love that you baptized it with Queen and then Scorpions - perfect choices. And you dancing with Nina to 'Winds Of Change" literally brought tears to my eyes. 😢 So beautiful and precious. Klaus would be proud!
  21. Welcome, friend. I can understand your attraction. As my compadres @bigmac18 and @jouandomy have already stated, please be careful and watch with reserve. From personal experience, it is easy to get "bewitched" by this couple. They are absolutely fascinating to watch. They are as real as 'Real Life Cam' can get. I, myself, have fallen prey to the beautiful and captivating Kira, as you have to Nina. They have been on RLC for over 4 years - a much longer life expectancy than usual, which can only be attributed to their overwhelming popularity, even though many won't comment. One valuable piece of advice I give to you - invest the time to READ the ARCHIVES. Learn as much as you can about this amazing couple. Granted, it takes some time, because there is over 4 years worth of information to digest, but you will have a MUCH better understanding about Nina and Kira (and Doe) and can understand more about what is happening now, real-time. PLEASE keep posting your thoughts.
  22. Doubtful. Let's just be happy that Doe is back. I, for one, am thrilled.
  23. I think Nina has a late evening job now. Many nights Kira is alone, and makes a late night dinner for Nina when she arrives home usually around 0200ish. Kira's sleep schedule is all messed up because of it, but, you gotta do what you gotta do.
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