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Everything posted by Calle

  1. I had to open them before I could see if there was anything interesting, but there wasn´t.
  2. What was the point in posting those videos on the previous page? Some of them were 10-15 seconds long with no real content, some showed Leora bating in the same way she has done for the last two three years.
  3. I know that and find the posts - pictures and videos - therefore useless. The only way to really see what is happening at RLC is RLC Replay. I do not even try to follow the apartments online, and CamCaps-site has become a mere chat site.
  4. I thought this thread is about fake masturbations and silly shows, but other themes seem to be more interesting. Anyway, what do you think, was Leora´s latest bate #278 better than #209?
  5. Yea, the votes were for Trump, but I think many millions of his former supporters have finally understood what kind of a person they have voted for and regret, though not eagerly showing it. It is very interesting to see how many will follow the trumpists from now on and how many will choose the responsible politics.
  6. And now Republicans will split into two or more parties and Democrats will run the country for decades. Will you follow your saint and move to Florida, hide there and also get out of CamCaps site?
  7. I wonder if the guy in the picture is mentally grown-up. I hope he does not have kids, what if you saw a kid showing this picture to his/her friends, shouting "Look, there´s my daddy!"
  8. I cannot help getting a bit sad by watching their bates - two pretty girls with nothing much to do than posing and bating for us.
  9. C´est vrai - mais tous les massages d´ajourd´hui sont presque identique, non plus intéressants.
  10. is that visitor´s name Piper? Yesterday evening she took her bra off on the bed and seemed to be happy with her pretty tits. But in the morning she was able to put the bra on so that the tits could not be seen. A shame, they are pretty!
  11. They are not totally naked but have their pants on, and Malia massages only Leora´s back.
  12. Are you comparing Trump with Nelson Mandela? That is the most remote comparison one can think of. What do you know about Mandela, more than his name?
  13. Where are you planning to move? Do you think you can get an asylum, taking into account your history in the Trump troops?
  14. I think compared to all other girls-only apartments, B2 is filled with leftovers.
  15. I remember the extremely sexy and exciting dance performances Leora used to carry out in the old apartment. Malia´s dancing looks very clumsy.
  16. Please advise on how I can see those pictures, there is only a tiny spot in the middle of the black screen.
  17. Now you follow your idol Trump who also said that he had nothing to do with the attack, that he does not approve of such behaviour, those people have to be punished for what they did, and "go home, we love you!"
  18. Ridgerunner, do you also wear this Trump supporters´ uniform?
  19. If the U.S.A still tries to deal with the rest of the world, it is very much my and everybody else´s business. Maybe we will concentrate cooperating with China that will definitely take a big part of the U.S.A´s former influence.
  20. Today´s Banana Republic of America has far too many anarchists, fascists and other conservative radicals. As the Republican Party will now split and the country will be run by Democrats for many many years, I hope we can again some day call the country United States of America, even though it is very difficult to restore the lost reputation.
  21. The guy in the picture is clearly the average Trump supporter.
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