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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Yes, me too. I have to know. I’m calling it SACKING! 😂 Hey, if there is one thing girls love it’s the feeling of being filled up. That’ll fill her up. 😂 Report back Ash! 👍🏻
  2. Is Ary there or does George now have full privileges?
  3. As they say, you never know until you try. Could be a fun challenge. Agree, there is risk involved. 🤣
  4. I bet now you’re dying to try it. I have this image of ending up knotted up like a dog. *maybe it’s best if I turn of the internet today. 😂🤣😂
  5. Haha! Got me too. Ah, when sex becomes work. Can’t recommend it!
  6. Anybody read this apt like “Lovin’ Cable”?
  7. Have you ever had a guy goes balls deep. I mean like a weirdo who actually tried to cram his balls inside too. 🤔 Come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever seen that done even in porn. Probably one of those things that sounds like it would be fun to try, but isn’t. 😂
  8. BTW! The color balance in the bedroom cam in particular are way off. There’s a couple that are way too yellow.
  9. 😂😂😂 Anyone have a pathway into her head? I want to know what’s clicking in there.
  10. So, why doesn’t the Matilda precedent apply if it’s just an occasional fuck pad?
  11. Does anyone actually live here? Or is it just that nothing happens unless Colin stops in to fuck her gf? If so, doesn’t sound like a real apt to me. I don’t watch so I’m happy to be corrected.
  12. I trip out on her uniboob. I think it’s cute. I bet she’s extremely picky about which bras she wears. Probably avoids wired bras like the devil. Can just imagine those things poking into the flesh right there. Wonder if a boob job would make it better or worse? Probably worse.
  13. Some of my kind will do that all day long. Not me, I’d hate to start leaking. It does truly feel amazing though. Should try it!
  14. Wow! An apt that just started like 2 weeks ago, only has 125 comments and already no comments since Sunday. That’s 3 days. I’d say someone fucked up.
  15. I know what you speak all to well. Walks away shaking her head and a fist into the wall on the way out. 👊🏻
  16. Aww, you’re too sweet. I try to think that way too, but sometimes the dark side has another opinion. Let’s just go with your vision as the best possible solution. Ok, maybe just to add that I hope he’s getting reemed by a guy with a half limp dick too in prison.
  17. Is he desperately jerking a half limp dick into her pussy? I bet a lot of monster cock guys end up like that at some point in their life. That was some disturbing sex to watch that’s for sure. Gloria always thought nothing of it. Maybe there was a reason for that sort of taming. They were so broken! I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t curious what become of them. Anyone know?
  18. Oh, ok. Thx! I generally avoid this apt cause the tattoos.
  19. Does Leah ever do anything? I hardly see any pics of her,.
  20. Maybe they are going to repaint the place and get rid of all that dreadful yellow. *and bring in Alleen. 😍🙏🏻
  21. It’s could be an uptick in VHTV money vs chaturbate. Although it could be boredom with CB I suppose. I hope so, CB is a sex life killer. Have to learn to turn your brain off to survive it.
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