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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Oh, that’s what the hall cams or for. Topless girl! Check it out.
  2. Think it was just one of those couples skirmishes. They’ll be ok. Too bad someone sent a ticket though cause it probably cost them a nice chunk of money.
  3. Hey there! Long time no see. Hope you are doing well. Sorry if I got be too much here. I’ve learned to chill out. 🙂 Anyways, it seems that Grant and Lisa got into a bit of a fight. He held her down and she attacked him with some flowers I think. My understanding is that it wasn’t earth shattering, but still unusual to see them fight. Someone must have sent a ticket to VHTV and the apt was taken offline.
  4. Interesting comment for sure and I think true. There is some middle gound in there somewhere. But, I can’t see what happened, so if you were there was it bad enough that you would have stepped in between them?
  5. Here’s a test for you guys to determine how bad the violence was. If Lisa were your mother would you be pissed off enough at Grant right now to stand between him and her or would you just mind your own business and let your mom handle her life?
  6. Yep, I guess some violence happened. The extent of which is not entirely clear to me. Can’t see the timeline. Oh well! Guess that’ll be a little extra spending money for ole James. For the record. I don’t talk to or send tickets to VHTV ever.
  7. Yes mister, that is the worse possible angle you could have picked. Thx!
  8. Include me in the list. I always thought that I’d want another cigarette forever. No! I can’t stand it. I will walk to the other side of the street to avoid it. If I smell it, it gets trapped in my sinuses and it all I can smell for a while. I hate it. It makes your whole body stink, including everything you wear. It’s such a nasty, disgusting addiction. Just quit. Don’t smoke every again not matter what kind of stupid rationale you try to give yourself. Be done with it, everyone!
  9. What’s the story in this apt? Looks like some wasted people here.
  10. Well, 🦊y told us that Rosie wasn’t getting paid. Her name wasn’t on the apt. That seemed to get fixed probably after some complaints here. It’s a hard call. This is one of the things that pisses me off about VHTV. They do a very shitty job of regulating these side deals that get made on their site. They tend to only deal with the managers and they wash their hands of the rest. Makes things easier that way I suppose, but it also opens up a huge door to coercion and corruption. What if Rosie was being blackmailed into acting like a sub girl in their apt? Just an example of what could happen that VHTV would be oblivious too. People can say, you’re crazy Amy that could never happen, but I know better. I don’t know anything about Rosie, I’m just hoping that she got her fair share of the money, even though my gut tells me she got played. Like it or not, it’s a shady business.
  11. But what about Alleen? She was starting to get comfortable. This is a tragedy and I don’t have anything to go on. Help!
  12. Thx! @Sparkles Indeed, a romantic bath for sure. Good job Anni, we should all be so jealous.
  13. I was really liking checking in on Alleen. Now, I got nothing and I’m so bummed! I’m helpless. 😭😭😭
  14. Can’t ever seem to remember that. Chelsea, Chelcee, Chelsy, Chelsay. Chelsee. Anyways, so what did they do?
  15. What did they do? Would be nice to see Anni and the other girl make out. What’s her name?
  16. I have a cute little civic hatchback. If it had a hello kitty sticker in the back window it’d be perfect! 💋 i could never drive a truck long distance, I would fall asleep and mangle people. 🤕
  17. People who smoke have no idea just how nasty they smell to people who don't smoke. As an ex-smoker I can tell you it's nasty. QUIT NOW! You'll be happy you did later, I promise!
  18. Well call me teased! Anna got me good!
  19. Well bascially! Cause he can understand the language.
  20. But for what purpose. How was it supposed to succeed?
  21. Um, how could it? How was it supposed to? Something fishy is going on with this 2 off shoot cam sites.
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