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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. No cams here sorry to say. But, looks like VHTV is totally cool with the tenants doing blatant cam shows. The others would be stupid not to follow the lead. Money is money and pussy in the cams means money! #1 position on the previews.
  2. Would stand much less smoke in a room built out of particle board? #notsmart
  3. More pussy into the cam realness in this place. Gotta love the realness. My girl does that all the time, doesn't yours?
  4. Haha! I wish it were that easy. 😊
  5. I can dig what you’re saying. Maybe she is horny and she’s trying to attract him. Hard to say for sure, but when sex becomes work, it loses it’s appeal. It’d be nice if they just had sex when they felt like it, but that’s not what being on VHTV is all about. They only get paid when they attract viewers and they generally only attract viewers when they are doing something sexy or having sex, so their motivations are always suspect. This is the primary thing VHTV does to ruin voyeurism. They incentivize excessive sex that eventually destroys their libido. Very easy for ladies to fake sex. Very hard for guys to fake sex.
  6. These people live in 24/7 sex studio. Their job is to have sex for subscribers as often as they can. That’s when they make the most money. Everything gets old, even a hot piece of ass. She’s not putting her ass up to attract a guy, she’s doing it to attract hundreds or thousands of guys. VHTV is full of camstars. People who work the cams for money. That’s all it is really.
  7. What can we say Lisa, you’re one in a million! ❤️
  8. Congratulations @Mrs.Kitty you’re in the 1,000,000th post on CamCaps. Congrats @itsme ❤️
  9. These people must have other ways of making money. 6 months on VHTV and only 225 posts.
  10. https://camcaps.net/profile/8216-amy3/?status=1344&type=status
  11. Well that is odd that this news is breaking out all over today. Hmmmmm? Lisa has the pic on her wall smartypants!
  12. I got outed for being a lying cheating imposter I guess. 😆
  13. Good one! This is all you see on VHTV anymore. Girls with their pussy shoved into the cam while they stare at their phone or watch tv. #moneywellspent
  14. The Navy gentleman in the picture kissing the nurse died. RIP https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-26588030
  15. From the pics I can tell you they are doing it all wrong!
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